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Relationship of Khātam-un-Nabiyyīn <strong>to</strong> Lā Nabiyya Ba‘adī 39<br />

On another note, since Farhan Khan is keen on finding<br />

weaknesses in the narrations of the ahādīth presented by<br />

Ahmadī Muslims, he should bear in mind that the above hadīth<br />

that he cites in his book three times and emphasizes in his<br />

YouTube videos has similarly been criticized as weak (dha‘īf) by<br />

his own reputed scholars! It is quoted again as follows:<br />

وaاخرجaابنaردو ہaنaثوبانaرaااللهaہaال:‏ الa<br />

رولaااللهaaااللهaہaوaمaإہaونaaاُ‎تa<br />

ذابونaثثونaمaزمaأہaبa،وaااaخاتمaابنaلاa<br />

بaبدی۔a<br />

Hazrat Thaubān ra narrates that the Holy Prophet sa<br />

said: “Indeed, there will arise in my ummah thirty<br />

arch-liars, each of whom will claim <strong>to</strong> be a prophet,<br />

and I am the Khātam-un-Nabiyyīn (Seal of prophets),<br />

there is no prophet after me (without my seal)”.<br />

All the varying narrations of the above hadīth are from weak<br />

narra<strong>to</strong>rs. For instance, in Jāmi‘ Tirmidhī, it is narrated by Abū<br />

Qalābah and Thaubān, both of whom are weak narra<strong>to</strong>rs. About<br />

Abū Qalābah, it is written, سaابوaبۃaنaاءaاتابنaوaوaدa‏“‏<br />

person. (Abū Qalābah was not a wise ‏”ااس aدود aابہ a<br />

Instead, among the people, he was famous for ignorance) 19 . It is<br />

also stated, aحم“‏ aم aن aو aحم aن aدس ‏”اہ (He used <strong>to</strong><br />

narrate from those whom he met and from those whom he did<br />

not meet) 20 . About Thaubān, Azdī states, ‏”‏تونaہ“‏ (There is<br />

19<br />

Tehzīb At-Tehzīb, Volume 5, Page 226<br />

20<br />

Mīzānul A‘itadāl, Volume 2, Page 39

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