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44 <strong>With</strong> <strong>Love</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa the Khātam-un-Nabiyyīn<br />

In the above two narrations, the principles of the Arabic<br />

language tell us that Hazrat ‘Alī ra was the Khātam-ul-Awliyā’ in<br />

the same way as the Holy Prophet sa was the Khātam-un-<br />

Nabiyyīn. If sainthood continues after Hazrat ‘Alī ra , prophethood<br />

continues after the Holy Prophet sa .<br />

‏َحْ‏ aَ‎بْنُ‏ ‏ُّوبَ‏ ‏ْنُ‏<br />

‏ْنُ‏ aحُ‏ ج<br />

و aب و aب<br />

‏َاa<br />

و<br />

اْ aج<br />

‏َاaإ aووَ‏ َ aابْنُ‏<br />

‏ُواaح<br />

‏َا<br />

‏َالَ‏<br />

ہِ‏ َ aو<br />

ۃaأنaر<br />

ُ أبaِ‎ رَ‏ ‏ْرَ‏<br />

‏ْبِ‎ بِ‎‏ِ‏ ت aج َ ا‏ِ‏ وَ‏ عَ‏<br />

‏َا‏ِم aالا<br />

و ْ بِ‏ aو<br />

aا‏ْخَ‏ َ ْ قِ‏ a‏َا‏ّۃٍ‏ aو َ خُ‏ تِمَ‏<br />

ْ ٍ دا aو<br />

ٍ ا aو جِ‏<br />

‏ُّون<br />

ا‏َّبِ‎<br />

رaً‎ ْ َ a دً‏ ِ a َ ‏ُتَ‎‏ْبَۃُ‏ َ a أa َ<br />

َ َ ح َّ دث<br />

ِ َ<br />

a aأبِ‎ہِ‏<br />

َ َ a ءِ‏ َ a نْ‏<br />

لُ‏ ِ َ ْ َ َa َ ْ َ نْ‏<br />

َ َّ دث<br />

رً‏<br />

a a<br />

ُ َ ولَ‏ aااللهa‏َ‏ aااللهa َ َّ َّ َ َ مَ‏<br />

a<br />

َ نْ‏<br />

‏َاءِ‏ a<br />

ْ ُّ تُ‏ aالا َ َa<br />

a مِ‏ َ<br />

ِ ْاa<br />

أa ْ تُ‏ ِ<br />

ِ <br />

ْ رضa ْ ِ a<br />

ْاa aو َ ُ جُ‏ َ ِ تْ‏<br />

َ ِ a<br />

ْ ُ ر تُ‏ aبِارُّ‏ َ أحِ‏ ّ تْ‏<br />

ِ َ<br />

a َِبa<br />

إa<br />

ور َ َ َ َ ْ أر ْ ِ تُ‏<br />

Hazrat Abu Hurairah ra reported that the Messenger sa<br />

of Allāh said: I have been given superiority over the<br />

other prophets in six respects: I have been given<br />

words which are concise but comprehensive in<br />

meaning; I have been helped by awe (in the hearts of<br />

enemies); spoils have been made lawful <strong>to</strong> me; the<br />

earth has been made for me clean and a place of<br />

worship; I have been sent <strong>to</strong> all mankind and the<br />

truth of the prophets is attested (Khutima) by me. 28<br />

27<br />

Maulvī Syed ‘Ammār ‘Alī, Tafsīr ‘Umdat-ul-Bayān, Volume 2, Page 284,<br />

Published: 1302 Hijrī, Publisher: Yusufī Dehlī<br />

28<br />

Sahīh Muslim, Kitāb Al-Masājid wa Mawādhi‘i Al-Salāt<br />

‏[‏ححaم۔aتابaااجدaوواعaا ة [

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