Jeep Engines - Oljeep

Jeep Engines - Oljeep

Jeep Engines - Oljeep


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160 MOPAR PERFORMANCE PARTS4. to Figure 2-48 for position of the ring gaps wheninstalling piston rings.The oil control rings are symmetrical, and can beinstalled with either side up. It is not necessary to usea tool to install the upper and lower rails. Insert oil railspacer first, then side rails.The two compression rings are different and cannot beinterchanged. The top compression ring can be identifiedby the shiny coating on the outer sealing surface and canbe installed with either side up. (Figure 2-45).The second compression ring has a slight chamfer onthe bottom of the inside edge and a dot on the top forcorrect installation (Figure 2-46).Using a ring installer, install the second compressionring with the dot facing up (Figure 2-47).Using a ring installer, install the top compression ring(either side up).10. Position the gaps on the piston as shown in Figure 2-48.Ring GaD OrientationOil spacer-Gap on centerline of piston skirt.Oil rails-gap 180" apart on centerline of pistonpin bore.No. 2 Compression ring-Gap 180" from top oilrail gap.No. 1 Compression ring-Gap 180" from No. 2compression ring gap.GROOVE HEIGHTA 1 .SO-1.555 mm (0.0602-0.061 2 in)B 4.035-4.060 mm (0.1589-0.1598 in)InstallationFigure 4 - 14Each bearing insert is selectively fitted to its respectivejournal to obtain the specified operating clearance betweenthe bearing and the journal. In production, the select fit isobtained by using various-sized, color-coded bearinginserts as listed in the Connecting Rod Bearing FittingChart (Figure 4-15). The color code appears on the edge ofthe bearing insert. The size is not stamped on inserts usedfor production of engines.The rod journal is identified during the engine productionby a color-coded paint mark on the adjacent cheek orcounterweight toward the flanged (rear) end of thecrankshaft. The color codes used to indicate journal sizesare listed in the Connecting Rod Bearing Fitting Chart(Figure 4-15).When required, upper and lower bearing inserts of differentsizes may be used as a pair. (Refer to Connecting RodBearing Fitting Chart [Figure 4-15].) A standard size insertis sometimes used in combination with a 0.025 mm (0.001")undersize insert to reduce clearance 0.013 mm (0.0005").Caution: DO NOT intermix bearing caps. Eachconnecting rod and its bearing cap are stamped with eitheran associated cylinder number or letter combination on amachined surface adjacent to the oil squirt hole that facesthe camshaft side of the cylinder block.Figure 4 - 13

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