Jeep Engines - Oljeep

Jeep Engines - Oljeep

Jeep Engines - Oljeep


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~ ~T -1 '1234 MOPAR PERFORMANCE PARTSExhaust SystemINTRODUCTIONThe basic exhaust system consists of an exhaust manifold,exhaust pipe with oxygen sensor, catalytic converter, heatshield(s), muffler and tailpipe.The 4.0L engine uses a seal between the exhaust manifoldand exhaust pipe to assure a tight seal and strain-freeconnection, a single muffler, and a single, monolithic-typecatalytic converter.The exhaust system must be properly aligned to preventstress, leakage, and body contact. If the system contacts anybody panel, it may amplify objectionable noises originatingfrom the engine or body.When inspecting an exhaust system, critical items to lookfor are cracked or loose joints, stripped screw or boltthreads, corrosion damage, and worn, cracked or brokenhangers. Replace all components that are badly corroded ordamaged. DO NOT attempt to repair. When replacement isrequired, use original equipment parts (or their equivalent).This will assure proper alignment and provide acceptableexhaust noise levels.All exhaust systems should be checked for leaks. A leak inthe exhaust system is unsafe and will cost you power. DONOT, under any circumstances, use flexible tubinganywhere in the exhaust system as the efficiency of theflow will be reduced.Caution: Avoid application of rust prevention compoundsor undercoating materials to exhaust system floor pan heatshields. Application of coating will result in excessive floorpan temperatures and objectionable fumes. Light overspraynear the edges is permitted.I nta ke/Ex haust Man if old GasketThe 4.0L engine uses a common intake and exhaustmanifold gasket. This gasket is designed for originalreplacement. For 4.0L engine only.P4529243IntakeExhaust manifold gasket.Intake/Exhaust Manifold Race GasketMade from special high temperature material for addeddurability in racing. Can be used as a service replacement.4.0L engine only.P4876 1 12Intake/Exhaust manifold race gasket.~Intake/Exhaust Manifold Attaching PackagePackage of factory original nuts and bolts to attach intakeand exhaust manifolds. Includes 15 bolts, 12 washers, twostuds, two spacers, two pins and one tube. For 1986-89,4.0L engines only.P4529680Catalytic ConverterIntakeExhaust manifold attachingpackage.There is no regularly scheduled maintenance on anyDaimlerChrysler catalytic converter. If damaged, theconverter must be replaced.The stainless steel catalytic converter body is designed tolasi the life of the vehicle. Excessive heat can result inbulging or other distortion, but excessive heat will not bethe fault of the converter. A fuel system, air injectionsystem or ignition system malfunction that permitsunburned fuel to enter the converter will usually causeoverheating. If a converter is heat-damaged, correct thecause of the damage at the same time the converter isreplaced. Also, inspect all other components of the exhaustsystem for heat damage.Caution: Due to exterior physical similarities of somecatalytic converters with pipe assemblies, extreme careshould be taken when selecting replacement parts. Foravailability and pricing, contact your local Chrysler-Plymouth-Dodge-<strong>Jeep</strong> dealer.The combustion reaction caused by the catalyst releasesadditional heat in the exhaust system, causing temperatureincreases in the area of the reactor under severe operatingconditions. Such conditions can exist when the enginemisfires or otherwise does not operate at peak efficiency.DO NOT remove spark plug wires from plugs or by anyother means short out cylinders if exhaust system isequipped with a catalytic converter. Failure of the catalyticconverter can occur due to temperature increases caused byunburned fuel passing through the converter.Unleaded gasoline MUST be used to avoid poisoning thecatalyst core. DO NOT allow engine to operate above 1,200rpm in neutral for extended periods over 5 minutes. Thiscondition may result in excessive exhaust system/floor pantemperatures because of no air movement under the vehicle.

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