Jeep Engines - Oljeep

Jeep Engines - Oljeep

Jeep Engines - Oljeep


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360 AMC V-8 (CRANKSHAFT) 3836. Remove the damper retaining bolt and washer andloosely install the bolt to prevent damage to the boltthreads when the removal tool is used.7.Use a vibration damper removal tool to remove thedamper from the crankshaft (Figure 7-5).VIBRATION DAMPERFigure 7 - 4The vibration damper is balanced independently and thenrebalanced as part of the complete crankshaft assembly.DO NOT attempt to duplicate the original vibration damperbalance holes when installing a service replacement damper.The vibration damper is not repairable and is serviced onlyas a complete assembly.Vibration DamperProduction replacement vibration damper compatible withproduction crank and piston rod weight. For 360 AMC V-8 without serpentine belt drive (only).P52495 36Vibration damper.Vibration Damper Attaching PackageAttaching bolt package necessary to attach damper tocrankshaft. For 360 AMC V-8 only.P4529678Removal1. damper attaching package.Loosen the damper retaining screw.Loosen the alternator drive belt.Loosen the air conditioner compressor drive belt andmove it aside.Loosen the power steering pump drive belt and move itaside.Remove the damper pulley retaining bolts. Remove thedamper pulley from the damper.Installation1. J8909-29Figure 7 - 5Polish the damper hub with crocus cloth to preventseal damage.Apply a light film of engine oil to the seal contactsurface area of the damper.Align the key slot in the damper hub with thecrankshaft keyway.Position the damper on the end of the crankshaft.Lubricate the bolt threads and washer with engine oil.Install the damper retaining bolt and washer andtighten to 122 Nom (90 ft-lbs) torque. If the crankshaftturns before the specified torque is attained, proceedwith the drive belt installation (refer to the properservice manual for the procedure). With the beltsinstalled, tighten the damper retaining bolt to 122 Nom(90 ft-lbs) torque.Install the damper pulley retaining bolts. Tighten thebolts to 41 N*m (30 ft-lbs) torque.Install the drive belts and adjust to the specified tension.Refer to the proper service manual for the procedure.

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