Jeep Engines - Oljeep

Jeep Engines - Oljeep

Jeep Engines - Oljeep


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l- -1-148 MOPAR PERFORMANCE PARTS9. The top compression ring (the scraping edge is gray incolor) has a chamfer on the TOP of the inside edge(Figure 2-43). This ring may also have one dot locatedon the top surface.10. Using a ring installer, install the top ring with thechamfer facing up. If the ring has a dot, the dot will befacing up.11. Position the ring end gaps on the piston as shown(Figure 2-44).Figure 2 - 37J9009-41Piston Ring Fitting (Non-Coated Pistons Only) clean the carbon from all ring grooves. Oildrain openings in the oil ring groove and pin boss mustbe clear. DO NOT remove metal from the grooves orlands. Doing so will change ring-to-groove clearancesand will damage the ring-to-land seating.Measure the ring side clearance with a feeler gauge fitsnugly between the ring land and ring (Figure 2-38).Rotate the ring in the groove. It must move freelyaround the circumference of the groove.Place ring in the cylinder bore and push down withinverted piston to position near lower end of the ringtravel. Measure ring gap with a feeler gauge fit snuglybetween ring ends (Figure 2-39). The correctcompression ring end gap is 0.25-0.51 mm (0.010-0.020"). The correct oil control ring end gap is0.381-1.397 mm (0.01s-0.0S5").Refer to Figure 2-44 for position of ring gaps wheninstalling piston rings.Install the oil control rings according to instructions inthe package. It is not necessary to use a tool to installthe upper and lower rails. Insert expander ring first,then side rails.The two compression rings are different and cannot beinterchanged (Figure 2-40). The top ring is a moly ring(the scraping edge is gray in color). The second ring isa black cast iron ring (the scraping edge is black incolor when new).The second compression ring (black cast iron) has achamfer on the BOTTOM of the inside edge (Figure 2-41). This ring may also have two dots located on thetop surface.Using a ring installer, install the ring with the chamferfacing down (Figure 2-42). If the ring has dots, the dotswill be facing up..._Edrllirnetorr InchorNo. 1 Compression 0.025-0.08 1 0.001-0.0032(0.043 Prdwred) (0.0017 Preferred)No. 2 Compression 0.025-0.081 0.00 1-0.0032(0.043 Preferred) (0.0017 Preferred).Oil Control 0.02520.241 0.001 -0.0095(0.08 Preferred) (0.003 Preferred)Figure 2 - 38Figure 2 - 39FEELERGAUGEE8909402

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