Jeep Engines - Oljeep

Jeep Engines - Oljeep

Jeep Engines - Oljeep


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472 MOPAR PERFORMANCE PARTSIf you are using a stock gas tank, make sure that is ingood condition (no rust) and is shielded as much aspossible from possible punctures (for example, makesure you have a good, strong rear bumper). Also, thesolid steel gas tank inlet pipe should be replaced withlonger, flexible hosing or pipe. What happens is that ifyou hit the back end in a crash, the gas tank may bepushed either forward or sideways, and without anyextra length or “give” the solid inlet pipe will pull outof the tank causing a major fuel spill. Flexible hosingor pipe will allow a lot of movement of the gas tankbefore being pulled out.Another option (and a good one for drag racers) is touse a smaller tank, such as a 6 gallon marineboat tank.With any fuel tank, you should build a firewallbetween the tank and the driver’s compartment foradded fire safety.It is recommended that a weld-in roll cage be used. asopposed to a bolt-in. A bolt-in roll cage can easily tearaway from the body by virtue of the fact that since it isbolted in, it is a separate entity from the body and chassis.A welded-in roll cage actually becomes a structuralmember of the body and chassis, giving the driver ultimateprotection, and there is no risk of the cage separating fromthe body or chassis.A word of caution, however. In the United States, chassisbuilders, roll cage constructors, etc., DO NOT have to belicensed or certified. This can create a very dangeroussituation when inferior workmanship is discovered, usuallyonly after a serious crash. It is highly recommended thatyou shop carefully for a reputable chassis shop, one that iswell known for its quality or one that has beenrecommended to you by a reliable and knowledgeablesource. A poorly built roll cage can actually be moredangerous than no roll cage at all.rRoll CageWhy do you have a roll cage? One of the primary functionsof the roll cage, and certainly the most important to thedriver, is safety. As the vehicle body goes throughcontortions, the cage keeps it all in its proper location. Thismeans during a crash the roll cage can bend, but it shouldnot collapse or break.A lot of people think that the roll cage is only for when thevehicle rolls over, and that’s not really true. Most crashesinvolve hitting the side or the front of the vehicle. But it’sthe hidden performance aspects of the roll cage that mostnovice drivers don’t realize or understand. The roll cagekeeps the vehicle stiff, which allows it to work better, lastlonger, and makes the vehicle go faster. But theperformance aspect comes second to the primaryfunction - safety. If the roll cage doesn’t make you safe,then why would you have it at all?1. Roll Cage PaddingEven if a padded head restraint is used, it is mandatory.that any tube in the area of the driver’s head also bepadded with rubber air conditioning insulation(Armstrong-Armaflex). It is also highly recommendedthat all roll cage tubes in the area of the driver’s armsand legs be similarly padded. This padding is availablein 6-foot lengths from Mopar Performance Parts(P452906S).Roll Cage PaddingHere’s a handy way to neatly pad roll cages. Black foamrubber tubing that measures 1 -5/8” inside diaineter and1/2” wall thickness, 6’ length.P4.529065 Roll cage padding.

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