Jeep Engines - Oljeep

Jeep Engines - Oljeep

Jeep Engines - Oljeep


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~~360 AMC V-8 (CYLINDER HEADS) 3956. On the right side, connect the alternator supportbracket to the cylinder head.7. On the right side, install the air conditioner compressormounting bracket and the battery negative cable on thecylinder head.8.9.Adjust all drive belts to the specified tension. Refer tothe service manual for the proper tension and procedure.Install the exhaust manifold and tighten the two centerretaining bolts to 34 N*m (25 ft-lbs) torque. Tighten thefour outer bolts to 20 N*m (15 ft-lbs) torque. Install theother exhaust manifold.10. Install the intake manifold. Tighten the retaining boltsto 58 Nem (43 ft-lbs) torque.11. Install all the disconnected pipes, hoses, linkage andwires.12. Install the pushrods, rocker arms and bridge and pivotassemblies in their original positions. Loosely installthe capscrews through the bridges. Tighten thecapscrews alternately, one turn at a time, to avoiddamaging the bridges. Tighten the capscrews to 26N*m (19 ft-lbs) torque.13. Install the cylinder head cover.14. Install the spark plugs and connect the ignition wires.Tighten the plugs to 38 Nem (28 ft-lbs) torque.15. Fill the cooling system to the specified level.16. Connect the battery negative cable.I1 9 1CYLINDER HEAD SHIMSFigure 7 - 19J8909-10IWhy would you want to do this? Gasoline! The 100+octane fuel (leaded premium) that was readily available 20years ago is no longer available. High compression ratios(10.0: 1 and higher) require good gas. The best gas availabletoday from the pump is unleaded premium which has (atbest) 94 octane. This gas works best with 9 or 9.5:lcompression ratios. There is racing gas available in 55gallon drums, but this isn't a good solution for non-racers.You could back the spark down, but the performance dropsdrastically. Therefore, the solution is to lower thecompression ratio.The head shim looks like a head gasket except that it'sflat-no beads. The shim should be installed next to theblock, and the gasket should be installed on top of the shim.We recommend that gasket sealer be used on the shim.Don't forget that with the shim installed, the head has nowmoved up ,060" which means that multiple gaskets have tobe used on the intake manifold.The extra intake gasket thickness can be calculated thesame way you would calculate head millingspecifications - just in reverse. Be sure to allow some extrathickness for gasket compression.CYLINDER HEAD COVERSThe cylinder head covers are installed with a formed-inplaceRTV (room temperature vulcanizing) silicone gasket.Crankcase BreatherA universal high performance re-usable crankcasebreather (must have stand pipe on valve cover). Washesclean with P4529392 cleaning fluid for extra miles ofservice.P4529394Crankcase breather.Air Filter Cleaning FluidMopar Performance Parts long-life high performance airfilters are reusable. This cleaning fluid is designed toremove dirt to extend the life of the filter.P4529392RemovalAir filter cleaning fluid.The primary purpose of cylinder head shims is to lowercompression ratio, a primary concern of pre- 1972production engines. A shim that is .060" thick will drop anengine's actual compression ratio about one full point.Shims allow you to lower your compression ratio withoutrebuilding your engine. The other method of dropping thecompression ratio is replacing the pistons. This is moreexpensive and obviously requires the engine to be rebuilt,which is much more work. We look at the head shim as atemporary fix. It's a repair that allows you to go until youcan schedule (or afford) a complete engine rebuild. the air cleaner assembly.Disconnect the air hose from the air injection manifold.On the left side, disconnect the power brake vacuumhose at the intake manifold.Disconnect the throttle stop solenoid wire on the left side.Remove the thermostatically controlled air cleaner(TAC) hot air hose on the right side.*.T - 7 T l

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