Jeep Engines - Oljeep

Jeep Engines - Oljeep

Jeep Engines - Oljeep


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72 MOPAR PERFORMANCE PARTSOIL PANOil Pan Gasket SetIncludes both sides and the ends. For 2.5L engines only.P4.529664 Oil pan gasket set.Removal1.2. Raise the vehicle.3.4.Disconnect the battery negative cable.Remove the oil pan drain plug and drain the engine oil.Disconnect the exhaust pipe at the exhaust manifold (ifnecessary - check clearances first).5. Disconnect the exhaust hanger at the catalyticconverter and lower the pipe (if necessary -checkclearances first).6. Remove the starter motor.7.Remove the converter/flywheel housing access cover.8. Position a jack stand directly under the enginevibration damper.9.Place a piece of wood (2 x 2) between the jack standand the engine vibration damper.10. Remove the engine mount through bolts.11. Using the jack stand, raise the engine until adequateclearance is obtained to remove the oil pan.12. Remove transmission oil cooling lines (if equipped).13. Remove the oxygen sensor wiring supports that areattached to the oil pan studs (if equipped).14. Remove the oil pan bolts and carefully remove the oilpan and gasket.Cleaning4. Slide the one-piece gasket over the dowels and onto theblock and timing case cover. the oil pan over the dowels and onto the gasket.Install the 1/4" oil pan fasteners (Figure 2-77). Tightenthese fasteners to 9 Nom (7 ft-lbs) torque. Install the5/16" oil pan fasteners (Figure 2-77). Tighten thesefasteners to 15 N*m (1 1 ft-lbs) torque.Remove the dowels. Install the remaining 1/4" oil panfasteners and tighten to 9 Nom (7 ft-lbs) torque.Lower the engine until it is properly located on theengine mounts.Install the through bolts and tighten the nuts to 65 N*m(48 ft-lbs) torque.10. Lower the jack stand and remove the piece of wood.11. Install the flywheel/torque converter housing access cover.12. Install the starter motor.13. Connect the exhaust pipe (if removed) to the hangerand the exhaust manifold.14. Install transmission oil cooling lines (if removed) andoxygen sensor wiring supports that attach to the oil panstuds (if removed).15. Install the oil pan drain plug using a new gasket (Figure2-77). Tighten the plug to 34 Nom (25 ft-lbs) torque.16. Lower the vehicle.17. Connect the battery negative cable.18. Fill the oil pan with engine oil to the specified levelWarning! Use extreme caution when the engine isoperating. DO NOT stand in direct line with the fan. DONOlT put your hands near the pulleys, belts or fan. DO NOTwear loose clothing.19. Start the engine and inspect for leaks.1. Clean the block and pan surfaces to remove gasketmaterial and sealant.2.Remove all sludge and grime from the oil pan sump.Installation1. Fabricate 4 alignment dowels from 1/4" x 1-1/2" bolts.Cut the head off the bolts and cut a slot into the top ofthe dowel. This will allow easier installation andremoval with a screwdriver (Figure 2-74).2.3.Install two dowels in the timing case cover. Install theother two dowels in the cylinder block (Figure 2-75).Apply Mopar Silicone Rubber Adhesive Sealant oncylinder block to rear main bearing cap corners andcylinder block-to-front cover joints (four places).(Refer to Figure 2-76.)

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