Jeep Engines - Oljeep

Jeep Engines - Oljeep

Jeep Engines - Oljeep


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4.2L IN-LINE 6 (INDUCTION SYSTEM) 319Figure 5 - 1710. On automatic transmission vehicles, the kickdownlinkage must be installed (Figure 5- 18, Figure 5-19 andFigure 5-20). Once these parts are assembled, youshould set the adjustment. Rotate the throttle body towide open throttle. This will cause the cable to ratchetto the proper zero clearance (Figure 5-19). At this time,verify that the throttle linkage works smoothly andreturns to IDLE (closed throttle).11. Reinstall power steering pump bracket and belts.Tension the belts. The hole in the bracket may need tobe enlarged slightly.12. Connect the new fuel lines to the fuel rails and attach tothe mounting bracket on the new intake manifold. Findthe fuel inlet line where it was connected to the stockmechanical fuel pump (Note: Some CJ models have thefuel supply line routed down the right passenger side ofthe vehicle.) Trace this line back across the engine bay tothe driver's side frame rail. Cut this line and the fuelreturn line a few inches behind the front leaf spring eye.Bend them up slightly to align with the new fuel linesthat come from the MPI fuel rail. Connect the lines withthe 5/16" fuel hose and clamps provided. Note: The newfuel lines look almost identical. You will note that onehas an orange dust cap over the quick connect. This is thereturn line, or fuel out, and has the smaller O-rings inside.It connects to the new fuel rail on the forward end of theline coming out of the fuel pressure regulator. Thepressure line has a yellow dust cap over the quickconnect which has the larger O-rings inside andconnects to the second connection on the fuel rail. IT ISIMPERATIVE THAT THESE LINES ARECONNECTED PROPERLY. Improper connection cancause damage to the fuel pump. THE RETURN FUELLINE GOES FROM THE FUEL REGULATOR (on thefuel rail) BACK TO THE FUEL TANK.Note: On models with the fuel supply line on the rightside, carefully route the line around to the fuel railsimilar to the O.E. setup.Note: (CJ Models Only): If you have a CJ model thathas the pressure line running down the passenger side ofthe vehicle, the best way to route this line is to use a5/16" fuel injection hose. 1.) Look to see how much5/16" fuel injection hose you are going to need. 2.)Attach one end of the fuel injection hose to the hard linethat runs down the passenger side of the vehicle from thefuel tank. 3.) Route this line forward toward the radiator.4.) Then route the line under the radiator toward thedriver's side, and then back down the driver's side framerail. When you have reached the end of the pressure linecoming off the fuel rail, attach the 5/16" fuel injectionhose to the hard line (again using two small hoseclamps). Be very careful with the routing of this fuelline. Make sure that your bends are not restricting anyfuel flow and fuel lines are not routed near the exhaust.Caution: If you buy any fuel line to hook up the fuelpump, make sure it is rated to handle EFI pressures!

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