Jeep Engines - Oljeep

Jeep Engines - Oljeep

Jeep Engines - Oljeep


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402 MOPAR PERFORMANCE PARTSValve Stem-to-Guide Clearance MeasurementValve stem-to-guide clearance can be measured by eitherone of two methods.EXHAUSTFigure 7 - 23OIL DEFLECTORSJ8909-17Installation - Cylinder Head NOT Removed1.2.3.4.Use an 11 mm (7/16") deep socket and a hammer togently tap the oil deflector onto the valve stem.Install the valve spring and retainer. A close-coil valvespring is used with all valves. The close-coiled endmust face the cylinder head when installed.Compress the valve spring with a valve springremoval/installation tool (Figure 7-22).insert the valve locks.1. Preferred Methoda. Remove the valve from the head and clean thevalve guide bore with solvent and a bristle brush.b. Insert a telescoping gauge into the valve stemguide bore approximately 9.525 mm (0.375") fromthe valve spring side of the head with the contactscrosswise to the head.C. Use a micrometer to measure the telescopinggauge contact width.d. Repeat the measurement with the contactslengthwise to the cylinder head.e. Compare the lengthwise and crosswisemeasurements to determine the out-of-roundcondition.f. If the measurements differ by more than 0.0635mm (0.0025"), ream the guide bore toaccommodate an oversize valve stem.g. Compare the valve guide bore diametermeasurement with the diameter listed in 360 AMCV-8 Engine Specifications, 'Engine Assembly'section of this chapter. If the measurement is largerby more than 0.076 mm (0.003"), ream the guidebore to accommodate an oversize valve stem. the spring compression and remove the tool.Tap the valve spring from side to side with a hammer toensure the spring is seated properly on the cylinder head.Disconnect the air hose, remove the air adapter fromthe spark plug hole and install the spark plug. Tightenthe spark plug to 38 Nom (28 ft-lbs) torque.install the pushrods. Ensure that the bottom end of eachrod is centered in the plunger cap of the hydraulicvalve tappet.install the rocker arms and bridge and pivot assembly.At each bridge, tighten the capscrews alternately, oneturn at a time, to avoid damaging the bridge. Tightenthe capscrews to 26 N*m (19 ft-lbs) torque.2. Alternate Methoda. Use a dial indicator to measure the lateralmovement of the valve stem with the valveinstalled in its guide and barely off the valve seat(Figure 7-24).b. The correct clearance is 0.025-0.076 mm(0.001-0.003").11. Install the cylinder head cover.VALVE GUIDESThe valve guides are an integral part of the cylinder headand are not replaceable. When the stem-to-guide clearanceis excessive, ream the valve guide bores to the next highervalve stem size. Ream the valve guide bores in steps. Startwith the 0.076 mm (0.003") reamer and progress to the nextsize until the proper size is achieved.LFigure 7 - 24

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