Jeep Engines - Oljeep

Jeep Engines - Oljeep

Jeep Engines - Oljeep


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458 MOPAR PERFORMANCE PARTS3. What does the,fee cover?Included in your fee are: experienced guides for theentire trip; all necessary permits; three meals on Friday,three on Saturday, and a continental breakfast onSunday; and access to some of the finest trails inAmerica, several of which are only available through<strong>Jeep</strong> Jamborees. A <strong>Jeep</strong> Jamboree event tee-shirt willalso be included in the registration fee. Each Jamboreealso features a giveaway, where you’ll have a chance towin some great prizes.Note: Meals vary. Unfortunately, no accommodationscan be made for special diets.)4. Where do we sleep?5.6.Although lodging is not covered in your fee, you willbe sent a list of motels and campgrounds in the generalarea of the Jamboree you select. This list will be mailedto you as soon as we receive your registration form.Please remember that rates may be subject to tax andmay change without notice. Be sure to mention thatyou are attending a <strong>Jeep</strong> Jamboree when you makeyour reservation.Will I be the only rookie?No. There will be both first-timers and veterans whomight be on their 5th or 10th Jamboree. No matter whatyour experience level, you’ll find plenty of peoplehappy to help you along.Can I bring my Grand Cherokee?Of course you can! All <strong>Jeep</strong> vehicles are tested ondemanding 4x4 trails before earning the <strong>Jeep</strong> name, soevery Wrangler, Cherokee, and Grand Cherokee isready to tackle any Jamboree (However, Cherokeesand Grand Cherokees are not recommended for theRubicon Trail <strong>Jeep</strong> Jamboree.) All we require is thatyour vehicle be a four-wheel-drive <strong>Jeep</strong> vehicle and ingood condition, with good tires, seat belts, and brakes.7.8.9.We do, however, require prior approval for larger <strong>Jeep</strong>models, such as older Grand Wagoneers and J-SeriesPickups. <strong>Jeep</strong> Jamboree USA reserves the right torefuse participation to any applicant whose vehicleexceeds size restrictions.Could my vehicle be damaged?Every effort is made by <strong>Jeep</strong> Jamboree USA to makethe trails as safe as possible and to provide the propertraining for four-wheeling off-highway. Participantsare advised to closely follow the instructions given bytrail guides, spotters, and <strong>Jeep</strong> Jamboree USA.However, there is the possibility of damage to yourvehicle when traveling over rough terrain. Any damageis the owner’s responsibility.Is there more than one trail at a given destination?This varies by destination, but there is usually morethan one trail. Most Jamborees feature multiple trails.What do the <strong>Jeep</strong> Jamboree Trail Numbers mean?Every Jamboree trail is rated from 1 (the easiest) to 10(the most difficult). These ratings are based on the trailoverall, not just on one or two tough spots. Rain canincrease ratings by one or two points. Also rememberthat these numerical ratings may vary from Jamboreeto Jamboree due to terrain, weather conditions, andother factors. Please remember, all vehicles are subjectto inspection prior to trail departure. Trails rated 1 to 2are quite mild and may not even require the use offour-wheel-drive (4WD), 3 to 4 are moderate trails inwhich 4WD is required, 5 to 6 mean that you couldencounter mud holes, climb over rocks, and generallyexperience more difficult four-wheeling conditions.Trails rated 7 to 9 present the possibility of gettingstuck. Mud holes here will be deep and extreme, andthe rock climbing will be arduous. 10 is reserved foronly one trail - the Rubicon. Past participants knowthat this rating is justly deserved. You’ll do things onthis trail that you never thought possible in your <strong>Jeep</strong>.The Rubicon is not recommended for Cherokee orGrand Cherokee models.Regardless of the rating and the experience level,you’ll get plenty of help to meet the challenge ofparticipating in a <strong>Jeep</strong> Jamboree. First, when youregister, you’ll receive a copy of Mark Smith’s Guideto Safe, Common Sense Off-Road Driving. Thiscomprehensive booklet, filled with off-highwaydriving tips, will arrive in the mail with your tripinformation. When you reach your Jamboreedestination, you’ll get on-site instruction beforehand,detailing how best to handle the terrain and localconditions you’ll encounter on the trail. Although trailswith higher ratings are obviously more difficult, youwill get help and expert advice from your guides allalong the way.

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