Jeep Engines - Oljeep

Jeep Engines - Oljeep

Jeep Engines - Oljeep


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456 MOPAR PERFORMANCE PARTSSince 1953, when Mark Smith began the first <strong>Jeep</strong> Jamboreethrough the legendary Rubicon trail in California, theJamborees have been gaining in popularity. And number.Jamborees are now scattered all across the U.S. from coastto coast. Weekend excursions offer <strong>Jeep</strong> owners a chance tocheck out the capabilities of their vehicles, polish up theiroff-roading skills, and enjoy the wildlife. Basic off-roaddriving tips are offered for both first-timers and experiencedoff-road drivers. <strong>Jeep</strong> Jamborees are great because they offerpeople a chance to enjoy the outdoors and learn a little abouttheir vehicles without having to stick to a rigid schedule.You can pretty much go at your own pace.Each trail is different. Some of them are fairlystraightforward, more for a relaxing vacation than for hairraisingexperiences. Others are extremely difficult andsome can even be dangerous. In order to help you pick theright trail for you, they are rated by difficulty. A trail with adifficulty level of 10 would be a real test of skill, whereas atrail rated 1 would be purely for fun.But <strong>Jeep</strong> Jamborees are not just driving fun. Meals, permits,evening activities and accommodations are also provided.Some people enjoy the outdoors so much they bring theircamping gear along instead. For a great view of America atits finest, Jcep Jamborees are definitely the ticket. You caneven learn a little history along the way.All <strong>Jeep</strong> Jamborees participate in the Tread Lightly!program, which is sponsored by the <strong>Jeep</strong> and the U.S.Forestry Service and Bureau of Land Management. <strong>Jeep</strong>Jamboree tour guides are committed to preserving ournation’s wildlife for future enjoyment and responsibleoff-roading.A Typical <strong>Jeep</strong> Jamboree Weekend<strong>Jeep</strong> Jamborees are family-oriented, four-wheel-driveadventures that feature the best trails and scenic beauty inAmerica. Jamborees are designed for all skill levels and arenot competitive events.For two full days (Friday and Saturday), you, your familyand your <strong>Jeep</strong> will venture into America’s backcountry - toplaces you would never see from the highway. To get there,you’ll follow unpaved trails and learn how to properly useyour <strong>Jeep</strong> in challenging off-highway situations. And best ofall, you’ll make lots of new friends who will help you alongthe way. The following is a sample itinerary.Note: Actual itineraries vary from trip to trip. Moreconiprehensive information will be sent to you uponregistration.Thursday Evening Registration (5-8 p.m.)Upon arrival at the Jamboree’s headquarters, attendeeshave the opportunity to register at the Jamboree desk,select trails, and informally meet with other attendees.Friday Morning Breakfast (6:30-8 a.m.)A country breakfast will be served for all Jamboreeparticipants. It’s just one more chance to get acquaintedwith fellow adventurers before hitting the trail.Drivers ’ Meeting (8:30 a.m. )A brief orientation meeting for all Jamboree driverscovers the various dos and don’ts of four-wheeling, <strong>Jeep</strong>Jamboree guidelines, and details of the day’s activities.Depart for Trails (9 a.m.)After getting final instructions, all drivers assembletheir vehicles for an orderly departure into thebackcountry. It’s time to hit the off-highway trails.Friday Noon Lunch Along the TrailA few hours into the wilderness and it’s time toregroup for lunch. The site chosen is usually one witha spectacular vista or breathtaking views ofsurrounding countryside.Friday Afternoon Trail Ride ContinuesParticipants press on throughout the afternoon, pushingfarther into the wilderness, crossing streams, traversingboulders, conquering grades - all under the watchfuleyes of veteran Jamboree guides.Friday Evening Dinner (6-7:30 p.m.)As the afternoon draws to a close, all vehicles will returnto a predetermined site where dinner will be served andparticipants will be able to discuss the day’s adventures.Saturday Mornings Breakfast (6:30-8 a.m.)The day starts with breakfast. Conversation aboutyesterday’s events continues while participants beginto speculate about the day’s adventures..“T -1‘1

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