Volume 1 - Iraq Watch

Volume 1 - Iraq Watch

Volume 1 - Iraq Watch


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Regime Strategy and WMD Timeline Events (continued)253 PROC 04-Jan-99 <strong>Iraq</strong> & Jordan renew crude oil agreement and renegotiate annually254 PROC 13-Jan-99 World oil production cut, <strong>Iraq</strong> plans to raise output to 3 million barrels per day255 PROC 07-Feb-99 King Husayn of Jordan dies, his heir restricts illicit trade with <strong>Iraq</strong>256Feb - AprPOL1999Amorim panel meets, recommends creating new inspection group257 POL March 1999 <strong>Iraq</strong> media calls for strikes on US targets to force change in US policy258 POL Apr 1999 France & Russia introduce draft resolution; Netherlands & UK counter259 DS June 1999 Huwaysh replaces Ra’id with Muzhir at Al Karama260 POL 01-Jun-99 Iran fires three missiles at MEK camp in <strong>Iraq</strong>261 OTHER/NUC1999Huwaysh gets research grants for university professors to preserve scientificbase262 POL 1999 Huwaysh orders MIC not to jeopardize lifting of sanctions263 OTHER/1999 IAEC establishes new laser divisionNUC264Regime procurement with Bulgaria, France, FRY, India, Jordan, North Korea,PROC 1999Russia, and Ukraine leads to further sanctions erosion265MIC employees sign affidavits pledging to surrender documents and not toPOL 1999import prohibited materials266 OTHER/NUC1999Saddam personally intervenes to improve IAEC conditions; raises salaries andprevents scientists from leaving267 POL 1999 Saddam asks Huwaysh how long it will take to build a CW production line268 POL 17-Jul-99 Saddam speech: America has taken control of the oil wealth of Arab countries269<strong>Iraq</strong>i Intelligence Service (IIS) Director Rafi’ Daham Al Tikriti dies; replacementis close to MICPROC Oct 1999270 POL Dec 1999 Russians push to lift sanctions271UNSCR 1284 creates UN Monitoring and Verification CommissionPOL 17-Dec-99(UNMOVIC) and lifts all <strong>Iraq</strong>i oil export ceilings272 OTHER/NUC2000 MIC rail gun program research continuing at Al Tahadi273 PROC 2000 Sharp rise in <strong>Iraq</strong>i educational spending: two new universities274 PROC Jan 2000 Turkish trade/oil sale protocol signed275 DS Jan 2000 Start of Al Quds UAV program with goal of 100kg payload276 CW Feb 2000 Yugoimport submits tender to MIC for $53,125 of white phosphorous (WP)277 CW March 2000 Fallujah II complex renovates chlorine and phenol lines and restarts278Yugoimport Special Purpose Military Production firm Krusik delivers 11,150CW Mar 2000KG of WP to Hatin, which produces WP rounds279 POL 01-Mar-00 Blix assumes leadership of UNSCOM successor UNMOVIC280 PROC May 2000 Syria-<strong>Iraq</strong> Trade/Oil sale protocol established; Syrian pipeline opens281 POL June 2000 Saddam speech: <strong>Iraq</strong> cannot give up its weapons if neighbors do not282 DS June 2000 Saddam orders the design of long range missile10

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