XXXII Reunión Anual, Barcelona, 12-13 diciembre 1980

XXXII Reunión Anual, Barcelona, 12-13 diciembre 1980

XXXII Reunión Anual, Barcelona, 12-13 diciembre 1980


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D.B"; CHASE, T.N. y BARBEU, A" (Ed.) págs. I27-I29. Raven Press, NewYork (1"975)"10.- BIRKMAYER, W"; DANIELCZYK, hl"; NEUMAYtR, E" y RIEDERER, P" "The balanceof biogenic amines as condition for normal behaviour" J. Neurol.Transmission33, 163-178 (I .972)11.- CALNE, D.B. "Role of ergot derivatives in the treatment of parkinsonism"Fed" Proc" 37, 2207-2209 (1.9i8)<strong>12</strong>.- CARLSS0N, A. "B'iochemical and pharmacological aspects of parkinsoninsm"Acta Neurol . Scand. (Suppl ) 51 u 1I-42 (1.972).<strong>13</strong>.- CARI-SS0N A. "Some aspects of dopamine in the central nervous system"Advances 'in Neurology, Vol . 5 McD0b,lELL, F. y BARBEU, A. (Ed") Pág. 59-67 , Raven Press. New York (I .974)14.- CARLSSON, A.; DAVISo J.N.; KEHRo hl.; LINDQUIST' M. y ATACK, C.V. "S'imultaneous measurement of t j ros'ine and tryptophan hydroxyl ase act'ivi ti esjn brain jn vivo using an inhibitor of the aromatic amino acid decarboxylase"Naunyn Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol , 275, 153-168 (I"972)15.- CARLSS0N A.,; LINDQUIST, M. "Effect of ethanol on the hydroxylation oftyrosine and trytophan in rat brain in vivo" J. Pharm. Pharmacol.25,437-440 (1.e73)i6.- CLAVERIA, L.t.; TTYCHENNE, P.F.; CALNE, D.B.; PtTRIt, A. y BASSENDINE,M.F, "Dopam'inergic agon'i st in parkinsonism" Advances in Neurologyo Vol .9 CALNE, D.B.; CHASSE, T.N. y BARBEU, A. Raven Press. New York (i975)pág. 393-397.17.- CONSTANTINIDIS, J.; BARTH0LINI, G.; GTISSBUHER, G. y TISS0T, R.(1"970)" La barri ere cap'i I I ai re enzymati que pour D0PA au ni veau de quel ques n0-yaux du tronc cérebel du rat"" Experientia (Basse'l ) 26,381 (1.970)18"- COSCIA, C"J"; BURKE l,rl.; JAMROZ, G"; LASALA, J.M"; McFARLANE J.; MIT-CHELL, J"; 0'T00LE, N.M. y hlILS0N, M.L. "0ccurrence of a new class oftetthrahydroi soqui nol 'i ne al kal o'i ds i n L-D0PA treated parki nson j an patients"Nature , 269, 617-619 (1.977).19"- D0UGAN, D. ; WADE, D. y MEARRICK, P. "Effects of L-DOPA metabol'i tes ata dopami ne receptor suggests a bas'i s for "on-off " effect i n parki nson'sdisease "Nature, 254, 70-72 (1.975)20"- FAHN, S. "Levodopa provocative test for Huntington's djsease". New Eng.J . Med " 303, 3BB4 ( 1. 980)2I.- FRATTOLA, L"; ALBIZZATI, M.G.; SPANO, P"F" y TRABUCHI, M. "Treatmentof Hunti ngton c horea wi th bromocri pt'i ne" Acta Neurol . Sca nd . 56 , 37 -45 (1. e7e)22.- FRIEDH0FFT A.J. "The psyhiatric clinical syndrome and essentjal conresponding qualites of an animal model of receptor sensitivity modificationrr -Animal Models in Psiquiatry. HANNIN, I.; y USDIN, E. (Ed") pág" 51-82Pergamon-Press, London (I.977 )

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