XXXII Reunión Anual, Barcelona, 12-13 diciembre 1980

XXXII Reunión Anual, Barcelona, 12-13 diciembre 1980

XXXII Reunión Anual, Barcelona, 12-13 diciembre 1980


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47 "- SMIIH, R.C"; RAND0LPH STRONG, J. HICKS, P.B. y SAM0RAJSKi, T" "Behaviouralevidence for supersensjtiviti after chronic bromocript"ine administratjon"Psychopharmacolog.y, 66, 24I-246 (i " 979)SPANO, P.F.; TRABUCCHI, M, "Interaction of ergot a'l kaloids with dopaminergicreceptors in rat striatum and nucleus accumbens" Gerontolo-9V, 24 ( Suppl .i ) 106-114 ( 1 ,978)TRABUCCHI, M.; HOFMANN, |.4.; MONTEFUSCO, 0.; SPANOo P.F" "trgot alka-I oi ds an cycl i c nuc"l eoti des i n the CNS" Pharmacology 16 o (Suppl .1)150-155 (1.e7B)48"-49.-50"-UNGERSTTDT, U " ; LJUNGBTRG, T. y SCHULTT . hI. " Dopam'i ne receptor mechanism: behavioural and el ectrophysio'logical stud jes" Advances i n BiochemicalPsychopharmacology" Vol" 19 págs. 311-321, R0BERTSo P. J";I^JOODRUFF, G.N. y IVERSEN, L.L. (td.) Raven Press" New York (1"978)51"- hlAALKtS, T.P. y UDENFRItND, S" "A fluorimetric method for the esti*mation of tyrosine in plasma and t'i ssues" J. Lab. Clin" Med" 500 -733-736 ( 1.957 )52.- hl00DRUFF, G.N. "Biochemical and pharmacological studies on dopaminececeptors" Advances i n B-iochemi cal Psychopharmacol og.y, \ól . 19, pág .89-118 R0BERTS, P.J. hl00DRUFF, c.N. y IVtRStN, L.L. (td") RavenPress. New York (i"978)

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