XXXII Reunión Anual, Barcelona, 12-13 diciembre 1980

XXXII Reunión Anual, Barcelona, 12-13 diciembre 1980

XXXII Reunión Anual, Barcelona, 12-13 diciembre 1980


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t. j'r- ATACK, C.V, y MAGNIJSS0N, T. "Individual elutjon of noradrenalina (togethervri th adrena'l i ne), dopami ne, 5-hydroxytryptami ne and hi starni nefrom a single, strong cation exchange column by means of mineral acidorganicsolvent mixtures". J" Pharm, Pharmaco'l ., ?2,625-627 (l-"970)"(4)BERTLER, 8", CARLSSOI'I, A. y ROSENGREN, E" "A method for the fluorimetricdetermi nation of adrenal i ne and noradrenal'i ne i n ti ssues" ActaPhysiol . Scand " , 44, ?73-293 ( 1.958) "(5) CARLSS0N, A. "Biochemical and pharmacological aspects of park"i nsonjsni"Acta Neurol. Scand. Suppl"51, II-42 (L"972)"(6) C00PtR, J.R", BL00M, F.E. y ROTH, R.l-1. "The b"iochemical basis of neuropharmacology"Pág. L27 " New York Oxford University Press (1.978).(7) tRICSS0N, A.D., hJERTMAN, 8"G", y DUFY, K.M. "Reversal of the reserpjnesyndrome wi th L-DOPA metabol i tes j n reserpi n'i zed rats" Neurol " (h 1n'ieap. )21, 1023-1029 ( 1.971 ) "(B) 'r'ftiü:,rT, A"l"l. "Phenomena of the hypokinetic-rig'id type caused by 0. methylationof dopamine in the paraposition" " l,latur'e, 193, 17B, (1 .ge7).(9) FAMM, S., .y PRASAD, A.L"N. "sequestration of levodopa into erythrocytes:impl i cati ons for therapy of parki nsonj sm" Neurol " 30, 364 ( 1 .980) .(10) JENKINS, 0. BAILEY, R., CRISP, E. y JACKSON, D.M. "Subacute L-D0PA inmice: biochemical and behavioral effects" Psychopharmacology, 68, 77,83 ( 1. e80) "(11) HAP.BEDO, J.E", FALK, B. o Ol¡lMAN, Ch. y R0SENGREN, t. "Studies on theenzymat.i c blood-brain-barrj er: quanti tative measurement,s of D0PA decarboxylase 'i n the wal I of mi crovessel s as rel ated to the parenchyta j nvarious CNS region" Acta Physiol. Scand., 105, 453-460 (1.979).(I2) KtilR. l^J., CARLSSON, A" y l-INDQUIST, M. "A method for the determinationof 3,4-di hydro:ryphenylalan'ine (D0PA) in brain". flaunyn-Schmiedeherg' sAcch. Pharmacol., 274, 273-280 (I .972).(<strong>13</strong>) LHTRMITTE, F., AGID, y., FEURSTEIT!, Cl ., SERRE, F., SIGNORET, J.L.oSTUDLER, J.M. y BONi\tT, A.M" "Movements anormaux provoqués par laL-DOPA dans I a mal adi e de Park'i nson: Corrél ation avec I es concentra*tions plasmatiques de DOPA et de o-methy'l -D0PA". Rev. Neurol" (Paris)<strong>13</strong>3, 445-454 ( 1 .977) .(14) LHIRMITTE, F" AGiD, Y., SIGI']CIRET, J.1., y STUDLER, J"l"l" "Les dyskinésiesde "debut et fin de dose" | '.:;Quées par la L-DOPA". Rev"Neurol(Pari s) <strong>13</strong>3, 297-308 (I ^977).( 15 ) LHtRMiTTt, F " , R0SA, A. y C0M0Y, t. "Mou,/ements anormaux des parki nsonjenstraités par L-D0PA et anomaljes de métabolisme de la dopamine""Rev. Neurol . (París) <strong>13</strong>3, 3-11 (I .977).(16) LL0YD, K. G., DAVIDSON, L. y H0RNYKiEIICZ, 0. "Metabolism of levodopai n the human brai n" A.dvances i n lleurol ogy, Vol 3, CALNt, D.B. (td. )pá9. 173-188. New York Raven Press (1.973).

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