XXXII Reunión Anual, Barcelona, 12-13 diciembre 1980

XXXII Reunión Anual, Barcelona, 12-13 diciembre 1980

XXXII Reunión Anual, Barcelona, 12-13 diciembre 1980


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34, -35.*36. -37 "-38. -39. -40, -47.-42.-43. -44 "-45"-46""KEHR, hl.; CARLSSON; A" y LiNDQYIST, M" "Biochem'ical aspect of dopamineagonists"" Advances in Neurology, vol. 9 CALNE, D.8., CHASI,T.N.y BARBEU, A" (td.) pág. 185-195. Raven Press, New York (1.975)KLAI,JANS, H.l-.; GOECT, C"; NAUSiEDA, P.A" y l,JtIMER, tll"J" "Levodopa induceddopamine receptor hypersensitivity" Ann. Neurol, 2, I25-<strong>12</strong>9(r "s77 )KLAWANS, H"l-.; HITRI, A.; CARVEY, P"M. NAUSiEDRA, P.A" y hJtINtR, W.J."tffect of chronic dopaminergic agonism on striatal membrane dopaminebinding". Advances in Neurology, Vol.24 P0IRIER, L.J.; SOURKES, T.L.y BEDARD, P.J" (Ed.) pá9.217-224. Raven Press. New York (1.9i9)LIEBERMANo A"til"; KUPTRSMITH, M.; CASSON, I.; DURSO, R.; F00, S.H.;KIIAYALI, M.; TARTAROT y GOLDSTEIN, M" "Bromocri ptine and 'l ergotri -le: comparative efficacy in Parkinson disease" Advances in Neurologyvol " 24" P0IRIERS, L. J"; SOURKES, T. y BEDARD, P" J. (Ed") pá9.461-473. Raven Press. New York (1.979)LIIBERMANN, A"; KUPTRSMITH, M" ESTEY, E. y GOLDSTIIN M. "Treatment ofParkinson's d'i sease with bromocriptine" N. Eng1. J. Med. 295,1400-7404 (1.e76)LIEBIRMAN, A"; T}LFAGHARI, M"; BOAL, D"; HASSAN, A"; V0GEL, B" BA-TTISTA, Fl, FOXE, K, y G0LDSTEIN, M" "The antiparkinson efficay ofbromocr"i pti ne" Neurol . \26, 405-409 (1 .976 )LIPPER, S. "Psychosi s i n pati ent on bromoc'ipti ne and "l evodopa withcarbi-D0PA" Lancet, 57I-572 (I "97 6l I )L0EB, C.; ROCCATAGLiATA, G"; ALBANO, C.and dopami nergi c funct'ion i n Hunti ngton734, (L .979)y BtSI0, G. "Bromocryptinedi sease" Neurol . o 29, 730-NIEULLON, A.; CHERAMY, A. y CL0WINSKI, J. "Role of dopamine in substantina nigra i n the regul ation of n'igrostriatal dopami nergic neuroactivity"Advances in Neurology, v0'l " 24, P0IRItR, L.J" S0URKESo T.L.y BEDARD, P.J" (td.) pág. 191-198. Raven Press. New York (1"979)PARKES, J,D"; MARSDEN, C.D"J"; KENNEDY, G. y ASSELMAN,di sease" J. NeuroI . Neusug.PYCOCK, C.; HORTON, R.l^1" y CARTTR' C.L.tryptamine and -amjnobutyric acjd withmica'l Psychopharmacology, vol . 19 págs.DRUFF, G.N. y IVERSEN, L"L. (td.) Raven; DONALDSON, J,; GALEA DTBEND, A" WALTERS,P. " Bromocri pti ne treatment i n parki nson' sPsych'iatryo 39, 184-193 (1.976)"Interactions of 5-hydroxydopamine"Advances in Bioche323- 341 , R0BtRTS, P .J . t^rO0--Presso New York (1"978)RINNt, U.K"; S0NNINtN, V. y LAARSONEN, H. "Responses of brain neurochemistry to I evodopa treatment i n Parki nson' s di sease" Advances i nNeurol, vol. 24 P0IRIER, L. J.; S0URKES, T"L. BEDARD, P^J. (td")pág.259*274 " Raven Press. New York ( 1.979)StEDMAN, P. TEDESC0, J.L.i LEt, T. CHAU-W0NG, M. MULLtR, P.; BOI{LiS, JllIHITAKER, P.M,; MctvlANUS, C.; TITLER, M,; l^lEINREICH, P.; FRItND, hl.C"yBR0!JN,G"M. tDopamine receptot"s in the central nervous system" Fed"P'roc"37 , <strong>13</strong>0-<strong>13</strong>6 (1 "970)

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