XXXII Reunión Anual, Barcelona, 12-13 diciembre 1980

XXXII Reunión Anual, Barcelona, 12-13 diciembre 1980

XXXII Reunión Anual, Barcelona, 12-13 diciembre 1980


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BIBLIOGRAFIA:1)2)3)Adams J . E " , Hosobuchi Y. : Techni que and Technical Probl ems 'Neurosurgery:Vol " 1 no2:. 196-199; t977 .Adams, J.E., Hosubuchi Y", Fields H":Stimulation of internal capsulefor rel i ef of chroni c Pai n.J . Neurosurgery L97 4 , 41: 7 40-7 44 "Fourth Meeting of the European Society for Stereotatct'ic and FunctionalNeurosurgery'J u1y <strong>12</strong>-L4, L97 9. Pari s .4) Fraiol i B. and Guidetti B. : Effects of Stereotatctic Lesions of the' pulvinar and Lateralis Posterior Nucleus on Intratable Pain and DyskjneticSyndromes of Man.Appl . Neurophys'ial . 38: 23-30; L975.5) Mayanagi y., Hori T", Sano K.:The posteromedial_l-lypothalamus and Pain' Be-havión, wñi tfr Spec'ia'l reference to Endrocrino logical Findings.Appl . Neurophysiol . 4L: 223-23I; 1978.6) Mazars G.: Etat actual de la chirurgie de la douleur.Neurochirurgie, 22 suPP1. 1, L976.7)8)Mullet K.:Second report of brain stimulat'ion for the control of chronicpa'i n.t'{adti^. Study group on brain stimulat'ion for pain control .:1976, 26,Richarsson D.E., Akjl H.:Long Term Results of periventricular GraySel f-stimul ati on.Neurosurgery Vol . Ln n"2z 199-202; 1,977 .9) Sedan R", Lazhortes Y.:La neurostimulation electrique therapeutique.Neurochi rurg'i e, Vol . 24, Suppl . L ; L978 "10) Sugita K., Mutsugd, N.o Takaoka Y., Doi T.: Results of StereotaxicThal amotomy for Pai n.Confi n. Neurol 34: 265'27 4; 197211) Voris H.C. and tnlhisler I'l.l'J.:Results of Stereotaxjs Surgery for Intractable Pai n.Confinia. neurol 37: 86-96; L975.IZ) ¡¡hjsler l^l.tl. and Voris l-!.C.: l4esencephalotomy for Intractable paindue to Malignant Disease.41: 52'561' 1978.Appl . Neurophysiol "

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