Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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ICli'.] THE LAir.D OF JOIINSTONe's HEIRSIfll' HORSE. 81<br />

85. Notarial iNSTP.UMr.xT ujion the ofiVr ami refusal of the Lairil of Johnstone's<br />

heirship lioise. 22 J Mny 1G12.<br />

At the Kaclcucho, tlie twenty twa day of Zilaii, the jeir of God I" sex huudrcth<br />

and tuclf yeiri^.<br />

The QruiLK day, in presence of me, notar publict vnder-siibscrywand, and wituessis<br />

spcoiallie efter meuciouat, coicpeirit pcrsonallie Andro Cuninghame, procutour Laufullic<br />

constitut be the richt lionorabill Dame Sara Maxwell, Lady Johnstoun, youugar,<br />

Countes of Wigtoun, and -Johne, Erie of [Wigtoun, u]ow hir spouse, for his eutres, and<br />

past to tlie personall pres[ence of ane] honourabill njan, Eobert Johnstoun of Racleuche,<br />

tutour to James Johnstoun, [now of tha]t Ilk, and thair presentit ane broun hors with<br />

ane quhyte quhtlk pertenit to the richt honourabill wmquhile Sir Jart][c3<br />

Johnstoun] of that Ilk of Douskelly, knielit, the tyme of Ins deceis, and was his best<br />

hors tlie tyme foirsaid, and now aiiperteiiiis to James Johnstoun now of that Ilk, sone<br />

laufuU to the said wniquhilc Sir .James, his tutouris and aJministratouris, as his<br />

airschip hors. Quhilk hors tliC said Andro Cuninghame, procutour foirsaid. in name<br />

and behalf of the rycht honourabill the said Dame Sara JIaxwell, Coimtes of AVigtoun,<br />

and the said nobill and potent erle, Johne, Erie of Wigtoun, now hir spous, for his<br />

entres, desyreit and requireit the said Robert Johnstoun, tutour of Johnstoun, to<br />

ressawe in name and behalf of the said James .Johnstoun now of that Ilk, as airscliip<br />

hors to the said James be deceis of his said wmquhile father, Sir James Johnstoun of<br />

that Ilk, of llonskclly, kiiycht. The quhilk hors the said Eobert, tutour of Johnstoun,<br />

simpliciter refuiseit to ressawe in mancr foirsaid ; quhairqioin all and sindrie the<br />

premissis the said Andro Cuninghame, procutour foirsaid, askit and requireit actis and<br />

instrumeutis, ane or ma, in the handis of me, notar publict. This was done at four<br />

houris efter none or thairby, day, mon[eth, p]laee and ycir of God foirsaid, in presence<br />

of 3Iongo Johnstoun of Ower [Ho\^•c]leuehe, 'William Johnstoun of Nether Howclcuche,<br />

Andro licidfurd in Harthoip [and ] Coupland, petigog to the said James<br />

Johnstoun now of that Ilk, witn[cssi3 in the] premissis spcciallie askit and requireit.<br />

Ita est Joaxkes' Wauche, notarius publicus in premissis, rogatus et<br />

requisitu.s, teste meis signo et subscriptione manualibus.<br />

J. AV.<br />

8G. Promise by Jamxs Johnstone of that Ilk and Roee.it Johnstone of Raeoleuch<br />

to abide by the decision of arbiters. 16 th March 1C21.<br />

At Edinbukoh, the saxtein day of Marclie, I"'vj

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