Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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RESPITE FOR THE DKATH OF LORl) >rAXWEI.L, 1594. cxxix<br />

The eftorls of Johnstone nt reconciliation were not at this time successful,<br />

as his proposals were not favoured by the JMaxwells. He next endeavoured<br />

to make peace with the govenniient. "While parliament was sitting, during<br />

the month of June, he employed several courtiers to "travel" iu the<br />

matter. Sir James himself and Johnstone of AYestcrhall were at the time<br />

secretly within five )niles of Edinburgh, waiting the result of the negotiations.<br />

Lord Hamilton, having heard of Johnstone's presence iu the suburbs, received<br />

a commission to apprehend hini. But before it was subscribed. Sir JoIdi<br />

Carmichael, captain of the guard, sent In's page in haste upon one of the<br />

king's horses to give him timely warning.^ The endeavours of Sir James<br />

and his frieuds ultimately prevailed ; and towards tlie close of the year,<br />

and fully twelve mouths after the battle of iJryfesauds, the king out of his<br />

special grace, favour, and mercy granted him a respite for art and part in the<br />

treasonable slaughter of the late Lord Maxwell, and others, on Gth December<br />

3 593, as well as for other crimes mentioned therein.-<br />

The remission now obtained by Sir James from the king, while it could<br />

not fail to be satisfactory to him, did not allay either the troubles on the<br />

Borders or the feuds between the Johnstones and Maxwells. Previous to the<br />

remission disorder was very prevalent. In a list of " wickitthevis, oppressoris,<br />

and pece brekaris and resettaris of thift," which was presented to parliament<br />

iu June 1594, the surname of Johnstone is placed alongside that of many<br />

others, including tlie Armstrongs, Elliots, Nixons, Grahames, Irviues, Jardincs,<br />

Bells, etc. Parliament enacted that a roll should be mace and pledges re-<br />

quired of those whose names appeared iu it. Tliis order of parliament was<br />

now put into execution.^ On the 9th January 1595 the privy couucil ordered<br />

' C.ilderwood's History, vol. v. p. 33G. are included iu it, lliere being in all one<br />

' The i>recept for the respite is w-itliout hundred and sixty persons n.inied. [Reg.<br />

d.ite, but it is subscribed by the king and Sir Sec. Sig. vol. Ixvii. fol. 43 ; Book of Carlave-<br />

Robert Melvill, liis treasurer [C'harters of this rock, vol. ii. pp. 497-400 ; Annandale Peerage,<br />

Work, p. 62]. Therespiteitsulf, which was for Minutes of Evidence, 1S77, pp. L'S), 2S2.]<br />

fire years, is dated at Holyrood-housc, 24th ^ The Acts of the Parliaments of <strong>Scotland</strong>,<br />

December 1594. Many of Johnstone's frieuds vol. iv. jip. 71, 72.<br />

VOL. L<br />


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