Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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trcspassouris and wickit doaris, and sail incur tlic seniblablc paiiis and be jivnist iu tluur<br />

bodeis, hindis and giidis eftir the quaiitite of tbe ofiencc and cryme committed be the<br />

saidis trespassouris and ^\"ickit pcrsonis ; as ye will ausiier to ws thaiiupoun : The<br />

quhilk to do we committ to yow, coniunctlio and seuera'lic, cure full power bo thir cure<br />

letters, deliuering thaiue be yow deulic execute and iudorsate again to the berare.<br />

Gevin vnder oure signet at Edinburgh, the fcrd day of Stpteniber, and of ourc regnois,<br />

that is to sny, of Franco the first and of <strong>Scotland</strong> the secound and xviij yeris.<br />

Per actum dominorum Secret! Cousilii, etc.,<br />

JoilNESTOUN.<br />

3-1. CoXDirioxs upon which Joiix Joiix.stoxe of that Ilk was rtceiTcd to the king's<br />

favour, c. 1.571.<br />

Conditioncs quhairvpoun Johue Johncstuun of tliat Ilk h ressauit to our souerane<br />

lordes fauour and ])arduiiu.<br />

Item, tbe said Johne sail acknawlege the maist excellent prince, James the Sext be the<br />

grace of God King of Scottis, as his onely souerane lord during his lyff, and sail trewly<br />

seme and obey his liicnes and his deirest gudeschir, Matho Erie of Levinax, Lord<br />

Dernclie, his hicnes lauchfull tutour and regent to his maiestie, his realnie and liegis,<br />

diuriiig his hienes miuoritie, and thairvpoun sail gif his solenipuit ayth and subscriptiouu<br />

manuall.<br />

Item, the said Johnc be hiniselff. and all vthevi.s that he or his predeccssouri.?, be<br />

the lawes or be vertew of bandis maid heirtofoir, ar oblist and bound for, sail obscruc<br />

and keip the peace and amytie betuix the realmes of <strong>Scotland</strong> and England, and salbe<br />

ansaerable in tliat behalfl' for relcving of king and wardune in all tynie cuming.<br />

Item, for all offences bigane committit be him, his frcindis, seruandis and partakers,<br />

Eganis tlie said peace and amitye, other in ressetting of the quenis maiestie of<br />

[Englandis] rebellis or vtherwi.se, he sail abyde, vnderly and iierfonn sic ordour as<br />

salbe takin and concludit ^poun betuix the princes of baith the reaimes, thair lieutcn-<br />

nentis, cohimissioneris or wardanes.<br />

Item, he sail assist, fortefie nor mantenc na nianer of thevis of the suirname of<br />

Johnstonis or vtheris ; and in cais sic as he be vertew of his awiu or liis predeccssouris<br />

bandfs is oblist to answer for, wiU not be answerable for discharging of king and<br />

wardnne at the handes of England, and will not be .obedient to the lawes of this<br />

realme, he sail other entir tharae bcfoir our souerane lord, his regent or justice, quhen<br />

the said Johne salbe requirit vpoun sex dayis warnyng, or than sail ryde vpoun tharae<br />

with fire and swerd, and birne thame or baneis thame the cuntre, couforme to the auld<br />

bandis and actis of parliament.

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