Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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to grant liini a patent of those peerages, and also the high office of steward<br />

of Annandalc, as the following excerpt bears :<br />

''25111 July IGGO.—Item, to Andrew Mairtein" for wryteing of my loi-d's<br />

patent to the erledome of Annandaile, and a signatour for the slewartshipe<br />

tlierof, wliicli was sent to London."'<br />

This entry in the account of the chamberlain of Auuandale plainly<br />

instructs that the king and his advisers had been so very favourable to the<br />

Earl of liartfell, and so anxious to gratify bini in reference to the rcgrant<br />

of liis peerages and estates, that he actually intrusted the preparation of the<br />

new patent of the earldom of Annandalc, and also the signature for the<br />

ofiice of steward, to the legal advisers of tlie carl himself.<br />

The patent, which is dated 13th Pcbruary 16G1, narrates the previous<br />

patent of the creation of the Earl of liartfell in 1G43, and acknowledges<br />

the faiili, love, services and losses of the earl in the affairs intrusted to<br />

him, fully proved by many testimonies. It then proceeds, that the earl<br />

and his heirs might be stimulated to continue their fidelity towards<br />

their king and country, and to tiead the same track of virtue, considering<br />

that James (Murray), Earl of ^Vnnandale, died without heirs-male of<br />

his body, that his diploma and dignity reverted to the crown, and that no<br />

one was so worthy to enjoy the said title, as well because of his merits<br />

as of the proximity of the estates of Annandale to those of liartfell<br />

and the king graciously desiring to confer on the earl some token of his<br />

royal love by accumulating honour upon honour, as well on account of his<br />

merits as that he and his heirs maybe incited to tread in his footsteps;<br />

therefore the king created and inaugurated James, Earl of liartfell, and his<br />

heirs-male, whom failing tlie eldest heir-female of his body, without division,<br />

and the lieirs-male of the body of the said eldest heir-female, whom all fail-<br />

ing the next heirs whomsoever of the said earl, in all future ages, Earls of<br />

—<br />

' Accounts in Annandalc Cbartcr-chest<br />


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