Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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SEcniiTv FOR Mf:MBi.rcs oi;" iJis clan, 1569. Ixvii<br />

In Ai'.gii.-t lOCO he received fioiu variuiis porsons of tlie u.aue of l>;itie<br />

or P.cattie an obligation to suivcuder thenj.sclve-s to waid in the stone house<br />

of the I.ochwood on forty-eight hours' warnin;:, there to remain until tliey<br />

could he entered with tlie government a.-- pledges.'^ A few niontbi huer<br />

tliey are named among other sureties consigned for safe keeping to the<br />

castle of St. Andrews.- This was after the proceedings of the courts held<br />

(>n- tv.-o diiys, first at Castleniilk, and aftervrauU at DiinifricB, by the Regent<br />

^[l^ray in per.son. Johnstone was in attendmce, and is constantly re-<br />

ferred to as security that various members of his c]:ui should not escape<br />

from justice. Thus at the camp by the water of ^lilk on 'Jotli October,<br />

lie became security for John Johnstone of llowgill, who v.as a pledge<br />

'•'<br />

fur all that ar cum of the anld gang of AV'amfray." Otiicrs for whom<br />

he uudertoolc responsibility were John Johristone in Tundergarth, David<br />

Johnstone of Staywood, John Johnstone of the Qnais, Gilbert Johnstone of<br />

Fairholme, James Johnstone, called James with the T'oaid, for "the ha:il<br />

gang of the lianhis," the laird of Corrie, ami ,ToLn Juhu .lone " the chepmau's "<br />

eldest son. He further promised to bring some of " the priucipaliis of the<br />

gang of Willeis of ^Yarnfra" to l)anif]ies to meet the regent there.^ Thus<br />

" the lads of AYamphray " were even then a turbulent race.<br />

Tor most of the above persons, and ethers of less importance, Johnstone<br />

became liable in sums of money, two thousand merks being a frequent<br />

penalty. In one case, however, the responsibilty was more serious. He<br />

obliged himself lo make the laird of Corrie (James Johnstoiie, a cousin of his<br />

own) become security to the ivgcnt for certain Irvings who lived on his<br />

lamls. • But if the regent was not content with the satisfaction oflered, in<br />

that case' Johnstone was to " burnc thame, and put thame and hald thame<br />

fnith of the cuntre, under the pane of t\va thousand merks." Tlierc is,<br />

however, no evidence that this punisbment was inflicted.<br />

' OMiijaticn, datca at LoL-hwooil 5th Auijuat 15C'.^, in An i.'in

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