Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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30 ANNANIiAI,E CHAKTERS. [1571.<br />

Item, for obsoruiiig, kcpiii? and fulfilliug of all and sindrc the preraissis, the said<br />

Johne and his freindis sail entir sic plrgis to my lord regent as his grace sail name and<br />

require to remanc in sic place and for sic space as salbe thocht gude.<br />

35. Bo>-D OF Mankent by T)io>cas Joinstonk of Cragoburn and others to Jows<br />

Johnstone of that Ilk. SOth June 1571.<br />

Be it kend to all men be thir present letteris, vs, Thomas Jhonestone of Craigaburne,<br />

and Jhone Jhonestone, his sone and appirand air, for our selffis, and takand the<br />

burding \-ponc vs for our bairuis, sernandis and tennentis, Robert Jhonestone of the<br />

Newtone for my .«elQ', and takand the burdin vpone me for my bairnis, brether and<br />

brother bairnis, duelland \i-ithiii the Ijoundis of Aunerdaill, Andro Jhonestone of Kirk-<br />

tone, for ray sclff, and takand the burding vpcue mc for my bairuis, brether and<br />

brether bairnis and emeis bairuis, to be bound and oblist, and be thir presentis bindis<br />

and obliss ms to ane nowblc man, Jhone Jhonestone of that Ilk, in manrent and<br />

seruiee, for all the dayis of our lyftyrac for his -worththy meuteinance of ws, our<br />

seruandLs and tennentis ; oblissing \vs and ilk aue of ws respectiue, during all our<br />

dayis, to tak afauld and plane pairt with hym iu all his gud and kfi'uU actionis<br />

aganis all deidlie (the authoratie of thisrealme only beand excepit), and sell defend hym,<br />

be our seltfis, our bairnis, brether, brether bairuis and emeis bairnis, seniitouris and<br />

tennentis, with our bodyis and gudis, and sell gyf hym our faithfuU and trew conscll iu<br />

all his just actionis and lefull eflaris, quhair we [ar] askit or vtheris, as neid cravis,<br />

and sell nowder knaw nor wit of his harme nor hurt, bot sell resist thairto at our<br />

powaris, and mak hym to be aduerte.=it thairof, sa oft as neid beis ; and sell lelelie<br />

and trwlie serve hym in all thing quhan vre be lauchfullie requirit thairto, but fraud or<br />

gyle. In witnes heirof we haif subscriuit thir presentis for our selffis as efter fallowas,<br />

and takand the burding 'v-pone for the personis aboue writtin, ilk ane for our awin pairt<br />

respectiue, at Branxholme, the xs" day of Junii 1571, befor thir witnes, Walter Scot<br />

of Branxliolme, knycl.t, Mr. Thomas "VVestone and Jhone Chalmerlane, with vthcris<br />

diuers, viz., Walter Scot, sone nnturall to vmquhill Walter Scot of Branxholme, knycht,<br />

and James Geddas.<br />

Thom. Johnstoun of Cragoborn.<br />

JoHNK Johnstoun of Corheid.<br />

Anw.g Jhonistoun in Kyrktoun.<br />

Ro'' JoNSTOUN of Xewtoun, with my baud at the pen, led<br />

be the notar vnder wrytin becaus I could uocht writ.<br />

Ita est Thomas Westoun, notarius in premissis, teste manu<br />


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