Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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THE council's LETTER '10 T}IF. KINO, 1C13. clvii<br />

Maicstie in tliair names, vliaiiby thai ciavcd justice to be execute vpoun the for-<br />

feyted Lord Maxwell for the slauchter of the laite laird of Jolmnstonn. Thay<br />

come all to this burgh and the laird of Johnnstoiin with his moder and tutour<br />

preseutit thame selflls before \vs, and declairit that thay wald insist in that persnte<br />

and prosequutioun of that mater according to the tennour of thair petitiouu. The<br />

aiild Lady Johnustoun, through seiknes and inhabilitec of hir persone being vnable<br />

to compeir before ws, liaueing with grite difhcultie come to this burgh for this<br />

same errand, we directit and send the Bishop of Caithnes, the Lord Kildrymniie,<br />

and lord preuey seale to hir to vnderstand hir will and pleasoure in this mater<br />

vnto cjuhome scho declairit that scho come heir purposelie for that mater, and that<br />

scho wald insist, accoirdiug to the tennour of the petitioun ; sua that now thair<br />

restis no farder bot youre iNLiiesleis will and pleasoure to be. declairit cjuhatfovder<br />

youre Maiestie will haif to be done ; wherein althoght the conclusione of youre<br />

Maiesteis letter boiris that we sould proceid to the administratiouu of iustice,<br />

yitt in respect of a worde cassin in the preface of the lettre, beiring that your<br />

Jlaiestie had not as yitt gevin a direct ansuer to thair petitioun, we haif presomed<br />

first to acquent your Maiestie afoir we proceid ony fordcr ; and whateuir it sail<br />

pleis your i\Liiestie to direct in this mater salbe immediatlie and without delay<br />

execute. Thair was a petitioun gevin in this day vnto ws be Eobert Maxwell,<br />

bruthir to the said laite lord, with some ofl'eris to the pairtie ; bot, becaus the<br />

mater concernit not ws, we wald not mell thairin; alwyse, \\e haif heirwith send<br />

the same to youre Maiestie, to be considdcrit of as your ^laiestie sail think goode.<br />

So praying God to blisse your ]\Iaiestie with all liappynes and felicitie, Ave rest,<br />

your Jlaiesteis maist obedant subicctis aiid sernitouris.'''<br />

From the above letter it will be seen that the friends of Lord Maxwell,<br />

aware of his danger, exerted themselves to save him bj' making a series of<br />

offers to the Johnstone family on his behalf. These, for the greater effect,<br />

they desired to h(. presented by certain miuisters of Edinburgh and some<br />

bishop.s. The ministers, bishops, and other persons of quality in town whom<br />

they asked, declined to do so without warrant of the council. Eobert Max-<br />

well, Lord Maxv/ell's brother, petitioned the council to direct some Edinburgh<br />

ministeis to make the presentation, and to inform the king that his brother<br />

was willing to satisfy the offended parties—the jNLarquis of Hamilton and<br />

' Pitcaiin's Criminal Trials, vol. iii. pp. 50, 51.<br />


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