Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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pouuJ.s.' The first session of tlie fust parliament of Qiiccn Aiiiie began at<br />

Ediuburgli, Gtli May 1703, at which Annandale was present, this lime as<br />

president of tlie council. The Duke of Quecnsberry was again comuiissioner.<br />

One of the acts endeavoured to be jassed this session was an act for the<br />

security of the kingdom. The draft of it was read in parliament ou 2Sth<br />

May, and thereafter it was considered, clause by clause, up to and including<br />

11th August 1703. Annandale, and others with hir.i, entered a protest<br />

regarding two of the clauses. One of these had reference to the privileges<br />

of peers, and the other to the succession to the crown. On lith August the<br />

act was voted and approved by parliament. The royal assent was, liowever,<br />

withheld from it. In consequence of this parliament stopped supplies, and<br />

the Cjueeu adjourned parliament ou IGth September 1703.-<br />

After the session was over Auuandalc returned to London, and appears<br />

not to have been in <strong>Scotland</strong> till June next year. Before parliaiucnt again<br />

met Annandale was nominated by Queen Anne one of the twelve knights of<br />

the Tliistle. His nomination is dated 7th February 1704.^ The order with<br />

which his lordship was now invested had been re-established by the queen so<br />

recently as 31st December preceding.<br />

The second session of the first parliament of Queen Anne met at Edin-<br />

burgh on 6th July 1701, under John, ]\Iarquis of Twceddale, as commissioner.<br />

Annandale was present as president of the privy council. On 25th July, the<br />

act of security, which was offered, but not accepted, as a clause to be added<br />

to the act of supplv^, was again considered by parliament, and marked as<br />

read a first time. It was resolved not to proceed further with it until the<br />

coumiissioncr received instructions regarding it. These were evidently soon<br />

after obtained, the queen finding it necessary to yield, as on 5th August, the<br />

' Letter of pension, dated St. James's, lOtli Pccemlier ITOi, in Annandale Cliarter-cliest<br />

2 Acts of the Parliaments of ScotL^nd, vuL xi. jip. 45, 07, 70, 74, IDI, 104, 1 1L>.<br />

^ luventory of commissions in favour of William, Marquis of Annandale, in Annandale<br />


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