Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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Paterson was a caiidii.late for tlie reprcsentaiinn of tlie Dumfries burglis in<br />

tlie tirst parliament of Great llrilain. lie applied to Anuandalc for Ins<br />

assistance in the election, " without which," lie says, " I cannot expect<br />

success therein to lay satisfaction." He adds, that Dumfries Leiug the<br />

place of his birth, he would most of all .<br />

rejoice at being useful there.<br />

Paterson was elected representative of these burghs. But the return was<br />

double, and his opponent was also elected, and upon a reference to the<br />

House of Commons Paterson was unseated. Much obscurity hung over the<br />

origin of Paterson, but it has latterly been ascertained that his father was<br />

a farmer at Skipmj-re, in Trailllat, formerly a part of Tiuwald, IJumfries-<br />

shire, and possessed lands of his own at some distance from his farm.<br />

His son, William, was born there in March or A}>ril 1655.<br />

One of tlie ship.s built by the Daricu Company was named " Aiinandale,"<br />

probably from the circumstance that the Earl of Annandale took an interest<br />

in the passing of tlie act of parliament incorporating the Darien Company,<br />

and also, perhaps, from Paterson being a native of Annandale or Dumfries-<br />

sliivc. The " Ajinaiidale " ship was ill-fated. While in an English harbour<br />

to obtain English seamen for an Indian voyage, the ship was si'ized at the<br />

instance of the East India Company, and condemned for breach of charter<br />

privileges. About the same time a vessel called the "Worcester" had to<br />

put into the Firth of Porth for repairs. That vessel Avas supposed to belong<br />

10 the East India Company, which had seized the "Annandale," but that<br />

was a mistake, the "Worcester" really belonged to the Jlillion Company, a<br />

rival to the East India Company. The secretary of the Darien Company<br />

I<br />

captured the "Worcester," and Captain Green, her commander, and some of<br />

his crew, were tried for piracy and murder by the court of admiralty, at Edin-<br />

burgh, on 5th Marcli 1 705. They were found guilty and condemned to death.^<br />

Owing to the serious illness of the Countess of Annandale in London, his<br />

lordship was unable to attend the parliament which met in autumn 1G90.<br />

' Burton, vol. i. ijji. .375-37S.

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