Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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51. Bo.\D In- Elizackth Joiixstoxi: and her husband, Ai,i:xani>i:h .Jai;uine, j-oiingcr<br />

cf Applogirth, rcsiLjiiiiig all claims they have over the estates of the late Sir<br />

John Johnstoue of Dunskcllic. "21111 Uccembcr 1-5S7.<br />

Be it kexi) till all men be thir prcsciit letters, mo, Elizabeth Johuncstoun, lauchfiiU<br />

docliter of vraquhile Schir Johune Johuuestouii of Duskcllie, kiiycht, and Alexander<br />

Jardiug, my spous, for liis iutercs, to be biiud and' oblci.st, and be thir }n'esentis bindis<br />

and oblfiss w.s, our airi.s and assignais, to James Johnuestouu of that Ilk, soue and air<br />

of the said vmquhilo Schir Johnue, and to his airis maill quhatsraneuer, iu mauer cfter<br />

specifeit : Forsamckte as I, the said Elizabeth Johnuestoun, and the said Alexander<br />

Jarding, my spows, for the preseruatioun, wcill and standing of the surname of<br />

Johunestoun and of the hows quhairoff I am dcsceudit, being of guid mynde that<br />

extraneand persounis possess nocht the landis or loving pcrtenyiig to the said vwquhilc<br />

Schir Johune Johuncstoun, my father, bot that the samyu may remane with the sur-<br />

name of .Johnuestouu in all tymes cuming : Thairfoir I, the said Elizabeth, and the<br />

said Alexander, my spows, for his interes, be Ihir presentis consentis, willis and grantis,<br />

that in caise the said James Johnnestouu of that Ilk dcpairt this present lyiff without<br />

lauchfull airis maill to be procreat of his body, that the nerrest and lauchfull air maill<br />

of the said James or of the said vinquhile Schir Johune, his father, sail enter aud be<br />

seriiit to thame as nerrest and lauchfull airis in aud to all thair landis, rowmes and<br />

possessionis, guidis aud geris, ony niancr of way pertening to the sade James or to Iiis<br />

said vmquliile fatljcr : Lyikas be thir presentis I and my sade spous for his interes,<br />

than as now aud now as than, bindis and oblissis ws, our airis aud assiguais, to<br />

renunce, resignc and frelie geve over fra ws, our airis and assiguais, all rycht, titill,<br />

entres, clamc, propertie and possessiouu, that we had, hes, or ony mauer of way may<br />

haue, in aud to quhatsumeuer landi.s, rowmes and possessionis, pertenyng ony mauer of<br />

way to the sade James or to his said vmquhile father, iu favouvis of ihair nerrest and<br />

lauchfldl air maill quhatsunievcr j renuuceand all benefeit thairoff, jure, lite et causa for<br />

ever. And siklyik I aud my sade spous for his interes makis, constitutis and ordnnis<br />

the sade James Johnncstoun of that Ilk and his aris maill foirsadis my vcric lauchfuU<br />

vndowtit aud irreuocabill cessioneris, assiguais and procuratouris iu rem suam, in aud<br />

to the gyft of the waird, noneutrie, releiii' and mariagc of the sade James, grantit to<br />

me aud my airis, with powr to the sade James aud his foir.saidis to intromeit thair-<br />

with, browik, vse aud dispone friele at thair plesour the samyu %\ith all profleit aud<br />

comraoditie thairoff j and be thir presentis trau.sferris aud overgevis the samyn fia ws,<br />

our airis aud assiguais, to the sade James aud his foirsaidi-s for ever. And for the<br />

mair securatie 1 and my sade spous for his interes is content aud conseatLs that thir<br />

presentis be rcnewit in maist ampill forme, quhilk wc oblciss ws and our foiisaidis to

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