Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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Aiinaudale and IlarLfell, Viscounts of Anna ud, Lords Johnstone of Lochwood,<br />

Lochmabcu, Moflatdale and Evaudalc, and ordained tluit the eaii enjoy the<br />

place granted to the deceased Eqrl of Harlfell in the year IG-fS.^<br />

The patent of these peerages wliicli tlie Earl of Ilartfell now received,<br />

shows that he was in great favour with the king. It sets fortli his services<br />

and suficrings in very complimentary terms ; it expresses the king's gratitude<br />

. for these ; it introduces the heirs-female in terms of his lordship's resigna-<br />

tion, and it bestows upon him three additional peerages. The intention of<br />

the king was manifestly to please and gratify the earl. Tlie patent was not<br />

merely a grant of new peerages, with new and extended limitations to include<br />

heirs-female; it was also a legraut of the old peerages of 1633 and 1G43,<br />

of which the earl had denuded liimself by his resignation of 1657.<br />

King diaries the Second added to the gift of a patent of peerages to the<br />

Earl of Anuandale and Hartfell the grant of a crown charter dealing witii<br />

the estates of the earl. IMeantime, while this charter was in course of pre-<br />

paration, his lordship received several public appointments. He was appointed<br />

one of a comprehensive mission for the plantation of kirks and valuation of<br />

teiuds. He was also appointed one of the commissioners for raising the<br />

annuity of £40,000 sterling to the hing.^ An act and commission being<br />

passed by parliament in favour of James, Earl of Queensberry, and "William,<br />

Lord Drumlanrig, his son, regarding their losses in 1G50 by the invasion and<br />

destruction of their property, to the extent of £2000 sterling, the Earl of<br />

Annandale and Hartfell was chosen one of the commiss'ouers to take trial<br />

of the persons complained of, and to apportion the sum amongst them.^<br />

In jjarliament on 1st May IGGl, Archibald, Marquis of Argyll, was tried<br />

for treason. The records of parliament bear that the Earl of Annandale<br />

and several other peers did not debate nor vote, because they were to be<br />

' Annaiulale Petrage ilioutes of Evidence, ISCo, p. 7.<br />

- Acts of tlio Parliaoieuts of <strong>Scotland</strong>, vol. vii. p. 91''.<br />

3 lOhl. p. 90.<br />

VOL. 1. 2 G

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