Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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whom he obliged himself to relieve in case he coiitraveued the terms of<br />

his liberatio'j.^<br />

Seven months elapsed before p.aliament again took np the case of the<br />

Earl of Hartfcll. His lordship, however, from some unascertained reason, did<br />

not during the -whole of that time enjoy the restricted liberty granted him by<br />

parliament to wliich allusion has just been made. lie was confined to the<br />

castle of Edinburgh at least from 27tli October to ISth December. This<br />

appears from a memorandum hologr'aph of the earl preserved in tlic Annan-<br />

dale charter-chest containing these tvro entries :— " J>Iy wyfe cntei'cd to the<br />

castlle wpone Mondaye being 27 October and remained witli mo to ij<br />

November." " I wes relesed fromc the castlle 18 December." In addition<br />

to these particulars there are in the same memorandum entries referring to<br />

pa3'mcnts made b}' the earl to the soldiers and porter during this period.<br />

These may also be quoted here:<br />

—<br />

"Item, to remember the sojaers is payd to the 1 Novernber 1G14, and maistcr<br />

poirter to the afofiaaed day.<br />

" To remember the sojers is payed be Hew Scottc to the 1 Xovembcr, and<br />

lyekway.? the maister poiter.<br />

" Item, from the 1 November to the xv, bolhc sojers and maister porter is payed<br />

be William Litlle, and thatt samnc day Will: Litlle goote frome mc 10 dollors.<br />

"Item, geuine to him att thatt sannic tym 10 dollors.<br />

"Item, the maistcr porter and sojers ar be him [payed] other fourlciue days<br />

from the xv November to the xxix thereof.<br />

" Item, the maister porter is payed by him otlier fourteinc d: ys from the xxix<br />

of Noreii^ber, being Eraydaye, to the xiij of December, being Frydae, and lyckwys<br />

the sojers. Geuine to William Litlle tliatt day 10 doUers."<br />

The only instance of the Earl of Ilarlfell leaving tlie town during tlie<br />

seven months referred to was on the occasion of a \dsit to Lord Elibank at<br />

Eallincrief in East Lothian, for a few^ days in January of the following year.<br />

' Acts of tlje r.-irliauK-nts of Scot'aiifl, vol. vi., ji.irt {.]-'['. IJG, 233. Balfour's AMIlal^^,<br />

vol. iii. pp. 170, 1S9, 191, 203, 224, 234, 241.

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