Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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]iv._ ,• JOJIN JOilNSTOXIi, FlliSX WAKDEX, 1521-15G7.<br />

wlhoiii he caii-iL-.l 1,0 be burned at tlic cim^.s cil' JJiiinfiius. Joliustoiic hjipenrs<br />

i'lvii to liave brou-lit aserirs of accusations against Maxwell and- then offered<br />

to prove tlieni by way of combat. j\Iaxwell wrote nslving Queen ]\Iary's per-<br />

luission to defend liimself. lie oflered in Ins own person to o}ipu.?c Johnstone<br />

or any of liis sons, or any otlier of tliat clan, or with I'orty, fifty, or one htindred<br />

Maxwells to enter the lists against a similar iiuuiber of Johnstoncs.i Ii does<br />

not appear, however, tliat any such combat look ]ilace. Johnstone is referred<br />

to in June 15G7 as refusing to obey Lord llerries as \\"arden, being sujiporled<br />

by Bothwell's influence. A sununous was addressed to him on 10th September<br />

15G7, by the privy council of <strong>Scotland</strong>, desiring him and various ether<br />

gentlemen on the Y\'esi ilarclies to meet with the council on Clh October to<br />

advise as to the s'uppi'cssion of disorders in that district."<br />

CllAFTKH rOL'KTII.<br />

Ii:inJ Transactions of tliis Chief—Thornyflnt orclered to be restored—Occupancy of Braniig<br />

— Iiifcft in Johnstone—Lands elected into tiic Baroxy of John'stoxe 1543—Lease of<br />

Ilartliope—Gift of Tiiornick—liiglits over C'aKtleiuilk.<br />

It is nov,- necessary to direct attention to the various charters obtained<br />

I'v this Johnstone chief, mention of which would have interrupted the<br />

course of the main narrative. Of these only two occur before the death<br />

of King James the Fifth. The first is a mandate directed by the king on 12th<br />

July 153G to the stev.-aid of Annandale rerpiiriiig him to restore Johnstone<br />

to the possession of the lands of Thoruillat, of ^vhich he had been wrongfully<br />

despoiled.^ The second is a letter by the same king addressed to John<br />

Maitland of Auchiiigassill regarding Johnsto7ie's occupancy of the lands of<br />

I.'ranrig and Mitchell Slacks, which he held as tenant under Maitland, and<br />

iVom v.hich the latter had warned iiim to remove. The king wrute that as<br />

1 Letters, Lord S.jrope to Bedford and Cecil, IClh and 10th Janu.nvy loOO-O. Calendar<br />

of State Papers, Foreign, 156G-S, pp. 5, 0.<br />

- Ktjjistcr of the J'rivy Council, vol. i. ]'. iuO. ^ Vol. ii. of tliis ui>rk, p. 1.

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