Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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108 AB.STKACTS OF CHARTKUS OF [1408.<br />

barony of Aniistii'lil, in the slierilTdom of Dumfries :<br />

PAf.K<br />

To be licM to William<br />

imJ liis heirs of the earl and his heirs in fee and lioritage, rcndoriui,' one<br />

suit of court at the capit.fl plea at Doujjlas next after the feast of St.<br />

Michael the Arcliangel, for all other service. "With clause of ^Yarrand!ce.<br />

Dated at Edinburgh, 24th May 1 108. Witnesses, James Douglas, the earl's<br />

brother, Sir 'William Douglas of Nithsdale, hK nephew, and others named, 12<br />

19. Charter liy William, Lord Criehtou, granting to Gilbert of Corry, son natural<br />

of James of Corry, for his service, the lands of Tordoff and Dalbank, in<br />

the lordship of Annandalo aud sheriffdom of Dumfries ;<br />

To be held of the<br />

granter, as lord of the holding of Oarruthcrs, aud his heirs to the said<br />

Gilbert Corry and ElizaVieth his wife, daughter of John Carruthers of<br />

Holnieuds, the survivor of them and the lawful heirs-male of their bodies;<br />

whom failing, to the granter and his heirs whomsoever, in foe and heritage,<br />

for the services due and wont from said lands; reserving the liferent thereof<br />

to the said James of Corry fur Ins life. Dated at Stirling, ISth February<br />

1449-50. Witnesses, James, Lord of Frendraught, knight, tlie gnuittr's<br />

beloved son, and others,<br />

20. Letters by King James tl;o Tiiird, directed to Sir Kobert Crichton of San-<br />

. been<br />

quhar, knight, Joim John-'^tone of that Ilk, Archibald Carruthers of<br />

Jlouswald, and Cuthbert ilurray of Cockpool, as sherifls iu that part,<br />

narrating a complaint by Edward Livingstone of Bowcastle that he had<br />

molested by William, Lord Crichton, in the possession of the lands of<br />

Monygep, Criinzcantou, IMolyne and Itahill, held by iiira for twenty-two<br />

years since the death of liis brother, and charging the said sheriffs to<br />

maintain aud defend Livingstone iu his lands. Given under the ,?iguct at<br />

Edinburgh, 26th October 147C, 13<br />

21. Precept by ohn Johnstone of tiiat Ilk directed to Archibald Johnstone, his<br />

brother, Roland Kerssau, John Chartcris and David Gibson, as his<br />

baillies, narrating that he had granted and alienated to John Joiinstoue,<br />

his son, born betwixt him and Janet Henies, five merks of his lands of<br />

Wamphray, lying in that holding in the stewartry of Anuandale and<br />

sheriffdom of I)umfrics, and charging his said bailies to give sasine of<br />

the said lands. Dated at Lochwoud, 2 2d Xuvember 147 C, .. 14<br />

22. Decree by the Lords Auditors to the effect that Adam Johnstone of that Ilk,<br />

brother aud heir to the late John Johnstone of that Ilk, shall pay to<br />


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