Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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XX JUII.N JOTI.NSTO-XE'ui' JuiiX.STOXli', 115-1-1493.<br />

OUoiVturu betwoc-n Doiigliis and Percy, vlien tht: very name of'llie ])ongl;is<br />

gained the field.. Eut in tliis expectation both Albany and Douglas were<br />

disappointed. The insurreetiou wa.s quelled. Albany escaped witli his life<br />

by liie Jleclncsi of hi.? lior.'je. Douglas Ava.s captured and Inouglit before<br />

King Janie.s the Third as a prisoner and seidenced to inii;risonjuent. in<br />

Lindores Abbey. Douglas recei\i_'d his doom meekly, and .simply replied,<br />

" lie tliat may no better be must, be a monk."<br />

In return, probably, for his services against the Douglases, this active and<br />

cneigetic Johnstone chief vas the recipient of various grants frou King James<br />

tlie Second. He did not immediately make up liis feudal titles to his lands<br />

on Ids fatlier's death. He received a remission of the noa-eutry duties of<br />

Jchnstone-teneuicnt and Ijcl-tencment, amounting together to £22, 13s. -id.<br />

The king also remitted to him £S5, Gs. 8d., the relief duty on the lands<br />

of Johnstone and Kirkpatriclc, and also £-12, 13s. 4d., the amount oi the rents<br />

exigible v.diile the lauds were in the hands of the kiug.^ He also received a<br />

grant of the ward of the lands of Drumgrey, valued at £34, Cs.^<br />

Tids Johnstone clnef, like his iatlicr, acted as one of the conservators of<br />

the truce concluded with England during the year 1457.^ lu the same year<br />

he was iu Edinburgh, where he formed one of a jury who retoured George<br />

Moflat as heir to his grandfather, Thomas Mofiat, in 12 inerks yearly from<br />

the customs of Edinburgh.^ In 14C9 lie was present in Edinburgh in the<br />

parliament ^diich passed sentence of forfeiture agahist tjic family of Boyd,<br />

who Ijad for some time wielded the chief power in <strong>Scotland</strong> during the<br />

niiuority of King James the Third. He was also a member of the parlia-<br />

n:cut of 1 IT 1.5<br />

Like other Scotcli borderers this Johnstone chief, while engaged in the<br />

Exchequer Rolls, vol. vi. pp. C-2, G.S, 'JTi:, 273.<br />

- Uid. \

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