Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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82 ANXANDALE CHARTERS. [1621.<br />

togidder with Johne Erie Mnr, AValtcr Erie Rucleugh, Robert Erie Louthiaiie, James<br />

Jolmeitoiin of "Wcstraw, aud \VilliaTn Jlnrray of Duncrnic, fyvc of his curatouri?, ou<br />

the aiie pairt, ami Kobt-rt Jolinestoun of llaecleiigh. callit tutour of Johiiestoun, for<br />

himself and takand the bi\rdiiig vpoun hiiii for Itobcrt Johncstoiiu, sonc and apparand<br />

air to viiiquliil Mungo Johiiestouu of llowcleiigh, that he sail fulfill the decreit<br />

arbitrall to follow vpouu the vniierwrittiu siibmis.sioun ; and baith the saidis pairteis<br />

beiug pei>:onalis present, as said is, submittit thaine selffis to the amicabill dccisiouu<br />

and sentence of the iudges VTiderwrittin, videlicet, Thomas Eric Melrose, David Lord<br />

Carnegie, and Sir George Hay of Kinfawnis, kuiclit, clerk of register, or ony tv.a of<br />

thame, for the pairt of the said James Johnestoun of that Ilk, and Sir William<br />

Oliphaut of Newtouu, kuicht, advooat to our soverane lord, Sir James Skein of Currie-<br />

hill, luiieht. Sir C4eorge Erskyne of luucrteill, kuicht, or ony twa of thame, for the<br />

pairt of the said Robert Johnestoun of Raecleugh, anent all actionis, controversies,<br />

questiouns, quarrellis, pleyis and dcbaitis quhatsumcvir, quliilk tliey or ather of thame<br />

layes or may lay to vthcris chairgc? for ony cans or occasioun quhatsumcvir; and<br />

specialHe anent tlie said tutour, his intromi.=sioun with the landis and living of Joliue-<br />

Btoune during the said Laird of Johnestouncs minoritie, and richt quhilk the saidis<br />

James Jolinestoun of that Ilk, Robert Johnestoun of Raecleugh aud Robert Johnestoun<br />

of Howcleugh, or ony of thame, hes or can pretend in and to the landis of Ncffbie,<br />

with the pairtis and pertincntis thairof. And baith tlic saidis pairteis ar content to<br />

stand and abyde at the said amicable sentence aud decreit of [the] saidis lordis, to be<br />

prouuncit betuix thame in tlie premissis, bctuix the date [heirof] and the fyfteiu day<br />

of Julii ntst to cum in this instant yeir of God I vj"= twentie ane yeiris, but revoca-<br />

tiouu or coutradictioun quhatsumcvir ; aud Li caice of variance betuix the saidis<br />

judges, the saidis pairteis hes iiominat and chosin the haUl remanent lordis of sessioun<br />

odismen and ovirsmen for decisionn of the [saidis] controverscis. And the saidis sax<br />

iudges . . . all personallie present ai.[eeiitit of th.e] otHce [of] arbitouris in and<br />

vpoun thame . . . ncnt ... of vari[ance appoyn]tit tlic saiilis [remanent] lordis<br />

. . . appoTiit to gif in thair mutuall clames, defences . . . cind the said Robert<br />

Johiiestioun of Raecleugh to caus the said [Robert] Johnestoun, his brother sonc, for<br />

whom he takis burding in maner foirsaid, also [to] compeir personallie in presens of<br />

the saidis lordis, and consent to the said submissioun betuix and the last of Merche<br />

instant . . . the saidis lordis declair that the present accejitatioun in and vpoun thame,<br />

or the saidis . . . speciall arbitouris abuncmentionat, of the said ofhce of arbitrie, is<br />

not, nor sail not, furnisch ony laufuU declinatour in ony tyme cuming for declyning of<br />

thame or ony of thame, gif by deserting of this present submissiouu ony questioun<br />

anent the premissis heirefter aryse. The said James Johnestoun of that Ilk and Lis<br />

saidis curatouris compeirand personallie, togidder with Mr. Thomas Nicolsoun, his

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