Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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C SIR JOHN JOJINSTOXK, KNIiillT, 15G7-15S7.<br />

liciJ, Juk the Craiiie in limlhuulis, Joluie Cirauic in 15;titolcholni, answer for<br />

tliemselvfi an J twtnty-fonv otlier G tames.<br />

Gilbert Jolnicstcune, lainl of AVauifray am] liis tenants of Logane-tcncment.<br />

[He is cntereil a second time as ans'.reraLlo. fur hh whole tenants and servants<br />

dwelling on liis lands and heritage, except such as had given their particular bands<br />

and Jiames for tliemsclves.]<br />

-Cuthbert Jdhncstoun in Lochmabcn and liis' three brothers; Christc Jolines-<br />

toun iu Eighill and his brother ; Adc Johnejtoun in lliliious and his son ; "Williaai<br />

Jonstoim in Kellobank ; E'luard Joiistotui in Weslaiid ; J-ames Jonstomi in<br />

lioberthill.<br />

Eobert Fransch, " laj'rd of Franscliland," his son and another.<br />

Thomas Jonstoun in rieistuoids3id, and other two and their tenants and<br />

servants.<br />

Joline Gramc of Cannobe and liis bairns, tenants, and servants.<br />

IJobert Johnestoim of Urigholinc and his tenants and servants ; Arche<br />

Johnestoim in Molj-ng and his father.<br />

Edward Irwing of Boneschaw, William Irving in Kirkj-nellvod, his son, the<br />

laird of Wjisbe, Christc Irving in Eldcrbek, Christe Irwing of the Stank, and " his<br />

and thair men, tennentis, and sernandis, duellir.g ou thair landis and stcidingis."<br />

It is indicated by laorc than one histoiian tliat Sir John Jolmstone died<br />

soou after liis liberation, and it has been stated that he died of grief ou<br />

account of his incarceration. The histori;iii Calderwood is one of those<br />

vho state that Johnstone died early .in tlie year 15SG; but that is<br />

erroneous.^ So far from showing grief, the first notice of him in the<br />

pri\y council record after he regained his freedom represents him again in<br />

active hostility to I^Ja.w.ell, vrho appaveiilly had been again ajipointcd<br />

warden on the west marches."^ It was complained that a paity of four<br />

hundred Jolmstoiies, at the command or instigation of tlieir chief, had<br />

attacked a party sent out -by the warden to ajiprehcnd certain deliucLueut<br />

' Caklerwood [vol. iv. p. 547] iiulicateslliat ruavy, LoiJ Scropc -svrites to Jolinstone as if<br />

JoLnstone nas ileaJ iu jipril 15S(5. he were still responsible for tbe Bonlers,<br />

ai)[iointing a meetiug at Grstna Kirk, where<br />

' In the Privy CouncU Eeconl of 23.1 complaiuts might be redrejscJ and offenders<br />

March 15SC, Ma.\\vell 13 described as wardeu, punished. [llaiiiilton Papers, vol. ii. pp.<br />

but a mouth earlier, on oth and 11th Feb- 70C-70i».]

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