Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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adhered to Ainmnd.Uc's pvolesL. Tho tliird article of the treaty was<br />

approved of by parliament.' In the case of the remaining articles of union,<br />

Annandale for the mo.^t part voted aj^'ainsL them. Indeed, in otiier matters<br />

whicli came before this parliament, unless in a very few instances, his<br />

lordship voted witli the opposition.<br />

The treaty of union was ratified by parliament, and touched ^vitil the<br />

scejjtre on ICth January 1707. Loclchart tells a story about a project of the<br />

Duke of Hamilton that Annandale sliould renew his motion to settle the<br />

succession of the crown on the house of Hanover, and upon its rejection that<br />

a protest be made against the union, and thereafter that the protestors should<br />

leave the house in a bc>dy. Tlie protest, Lockhart says, was actually put into<br />

the duke's hands by .Vunandalc. After surmounting a difficulty that arose<br />

about any acknowledgment of the succession of the house of Hanover, which<br />

the Duke of Hamilton insisted upon, it was agreed to present the protest,<br />

and great numbers of eminent citizens flocked about the parliament hou.se<br />

but the duke was suddenly seized with a violent tootliache, and though he<br />

was dragged to the pcirliament house by his friends, he refused to deliver the<br />

protest, and inquired who the concert had agreed on to do so. Lockhart<br />

insinuates this was done in consoqueuce of a visit of the commissioner the<br />

night before, who told him if the treaty was let fall, England would lay the<br />

blame upon him, and he woidd suffer for it.<br />

Though Annandale opposed the union when in parliament, he resolved to<br />

do his best to render it beneficial to the country after it hac actually become<br />

law. I^e was not chosen one of the sixteen representatives of the Scottish<br />

peerage by the parliament in 1707. Tlie election to the parliament of Great<br />

Britain which took place at Ilolyrood on 17th June 1708, gave him an<br />

opportiuiity of becoming a candidate. He was present in Holyrood, and<br />

oflered a i)rotest against receiving the I'^.iil of Aberdeen's list, because the<br />

' Acts uf tlie rarliaiiienti of .Suotl.ui.l, vol. .\i. ii>. 3\lS-iJ0. The Lockliait I'ai.(.i.->, vol. i.<br />

PI.. ISO, UIO.<br />


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