Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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72. Extract Act uf tlic T'rivy Council of Scotlniid, narrating tliat Sir James<br />

Douglas of Drumlauvii,', knight, ami Sir James Johnstone of Diiuskellic,<br />

knight, apiicarcd hcfure tlic« council, and Ijuiind themselves and their<br />

adherents to ol'servc tlie king'.s peace and Icccp good rule in tlic country.<br />

At llolvroodhousc, 20th November l-'iOO, 09<br />

7;'. JNlinnto of the Warden Court, dechiring that Vrilliani, Lord Ilerrics, -warden<br />

of the wcAt marches. Sir James Douglas of Drumlanrig, Icnight, and<br />

others, thought good that the Laird of Applcgirth and his friends shall<br />

acquit thein.sclves iu the terms set down by the Laird of Johnstone and<br />

his frieud.s, for tlie slaughter of the late John Johnstone in Fingland, or<br />

for any other Johnstone slain between the time of the Laird of Jolin-<br />

stone's entry into v.'ard and the uight the slaughter was committed, except<br />

certain persons named who are fugitive rebels ; advising parties to take<br />

acquittances at the sight of friends, and also that a new as.surance bo<br />

taken. Lord Sauquhav and James Johnstone being out of the country,<br />

their purgation in writing shall be suflioient. Signed by the warden and<br />

four oth.er.s, at Kirkniicnacl, 1 st July 1 000, 09<br />

74. Eond by Edward Maxwell of Tinwahl, llcrbert, Edward and John Jlaxwell,<br />

liis sons, for themselves, their kin and friends, assuring Sir James<br />

Johnstone of Dunskellie, knight, his kin and fricnd.s, that they shall be<br />

uumole.-ted until first July 1 GOl. Dated at Dumfries, 4th August 1 GOO, 70<br />

7o. Commission by King James the Sixth and the Privy Council, narrating their<br />

consideration that one of the chief causes of the bloodshed and thefts com-<br />

mitted on the west marches has been the " want of the preicheing of the<br />

Word and exercise of the trcw religiouu " within the bounds, and also<br />

tliat the ruin of the churches there has been an impei'lment to such<br />

preacliing ;<br />

as to which his majesty iu council has resolved that the parish<br />

churches of Lochmaben, Dryfesdale, Wauifray, lloddam, Ap]ilogirth, Mous-<br />

wald, Lockerbie, JMortuu, raithwcll, Torthovald, Sillebie a:id BliJdlebie,<br />

shall be rebuilt by the parishioners of tlie said churches, between this<br />

and the first day of October next : And to tlie effect that this resolution<br />

may be enforced, tlie king has recommended Sir James Johnstone of<br />

Dunskellie, knight, warden of the west march, to convene the whole<br />

parishioners, and to move them to agree to pay the necessary expenses<br />

and appoint coUcctons ; ordaining letter.-; to be issued charging each

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