Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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from August to October, he received visits from a constant succession of<br />

friends, who stayed with him for a longer or shorter period. These each<br />

brought witli them from two to seven attendants, and, in some instances, as<br />

many as eleven horses.<br />

His lordship completed his curriculum of four sessions at the university<br />

in 1C81. While he was still in attendance there, a notice of the large<br />

family Bible occurs in the accounts :<br />

—<br />

1679, April. " Item, payed for tlie binding oft" aue greate hous Byble<br />

perteining to the deceast Countess off Annandaile, and wcs given be the deceast<br />

countess to the deceast jNIr. Robert Lauder to bind, and, at the death of the said<br />

Mr. Robert, the Byble was laid in to the lious of Johnnc Muire, and now<br />

is takeu up be the compter, and hes payed for binding of it, £4, 10s. Od."^<br />

In 1679 the Earl of Annaudale, being fifteen years of age, took the<br />

usual legal steps for the appointment of curators to manage his affairs till he<br />

attained to the age of twenty-one years. The persons whom he chose to act<br />

for him in this capacity included the Duke of Hamilton, who was a sine quo<br />

non, the Earl of Crawford, and others. On 29th July of the following year,<br />

he was served heir to his father at Edinburgh. He left Hamilton Palace to<br />

attend the service, travelling to Edinburgh b}- ISIevrbie. The retour states<br />

that the lands and baronies to which he succeeded were erected into the<br />

earldom of Annandale and Hartfell and lordship of Johnstone, according to<br />

the form of the charter granted by the Icing to the late earl, his father, on<br />

23d April 1662. It also retours him in the heritable office of steward of<br />

the stewartry of Annandale, and narrates that all the lands mentioned had<br />

been in the king's hands since the death of his father on 17th July 1672,<br />

for eight years and eleven days, by the non-entry of William, now Earl of<br />

Annandale and Hartfell, lawful heir-male of his father in the same." The<br />

retour, which is dated at the Tolbooth or new session-house of Edinburgh on<br />

1 Accounts in Annandale Charter-cheat.<br />

' Annandale Peerage Minutes of Evidence, 1876, pp. 6I-G4 ; 1S78, pp. 063-972.

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