Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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to pioiluce six witne.=sc3 to prove it. The case was adjourned Hint tlie.?e wit-<br />

iies.ses might be pi-escnt, but uolliiiig furtln r appears on lecord.^<br />

Tliese details of border inat^ers lupy .'i-em monotonous, but tliey are<br />

intcresling, becau.se they illustrate, as far as legal documents can, the rest,-<br />

less, turbulent life of those over whom Johnslonc had jurisdiction, and the<br />

incessant conflict lliey waged with tlie autho)'itics. A more peaceful aspect<br />

is sliown in a Vt^rit signed by him in December ].o77, vihile residing at<br />

Cummcrtrces, near Annan. The " auld " tenants of the lands of Kelhead,<br />

also in tluU neighbourhood, declare themselves "contentit to cum in his v>'i!l<br />

and mabc him tliankfuU payment and dalyo seruice," \\ith multure, bear<br />

[barley], and kain-fowls, and to pay their " enteres " between the date and New<br />

Year's day next. John Johnstone in return bound himself to defend all<br />

those tenants who entered with him and paiil their dues and service, the<br />

oldigation to la.st during the life of his sislcr Jean Johnstone, %\'ho was life-<br />

rent rix of the lauds.-<br />

A similar peaceful strain ruris through another docutncnt dated some<br />

mon.ths later, and joined in by tlie clan "that beris and lies the naynm<br />

of Johnnstounis in speciall and in geuerall quha depeudis vpoun the lard of<br />

Johnnsloun."^ They bind themselves, when any controversy aiises anrong<br />

them about blood, goods, or lands, to refer the dispute to llobert Johnstone in<br />

Carnsalloeli and eleven other Johnstoues "as ainiable freindis crpialio<br />

cl'.osin be the rest and con.-ent of the nayme that hecht Joliun.stoun,"<br />

Johnstone Idmself, " thair cheif and m.iister," acting as ovcsman. Every one<br />

is to abide by the decision of these arbiters in any question, and if any one<br />

fail to obey, the rest of the clan are to oppose him and punish liim as they<br />

think expedient. If any of the arbiters themselves have any dispute it also<br />

is to be submitted and decided upon like other questions, and this agreement<br />

' Kpgislcr of Privy Council, vol. ii. p. ?.9.3. Charter-cbest. .Jean Johnstoijc was the<br />

- Miitiir.l obligation signed by John Jobn- widow of William, Master of Carlylc, who<br />

stnnf, 9th December 1.^77, in Anrand^ile died in I.")7'-.

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