Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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I'lfVUlii<br />


rejoice llirit 5'our re.s.lfl(-iK'C on llie estale?, and llie lively porsoiial iufercst<br />

.you lake therein, enables you to cstiinale the pr.sKion correctly.<br />

We also appreciate your desire and efforts to maintain the liii^h reputa-<br />

tion the estates have so long held for advanced agriculture and general<br />

improvements: and it is our de.siie, so far as in our power, to co-operate in<br />

such efforts.<br />

lu offering this expression of our sincere gratitude for your considerate<br />

and generous conduct towards us, we venture to hope that you may long he<br />

spared to enjoy your liigli position, and to receive the profound respect of<br />

your tenantry.<br />

iloflat, L'2nd June 18S3.<br />

TIic address was signed bj- all the tenantry on the Annandale estates,<br />

and is preserved at Eaehills House. Some tinje afterwards the address >yas<br />

followed by a public bani|uet given by the tenantry and friends, during v.hich<br />

Mr. ]Iojie Johnstone made a feeling and appi'opriale repdy to the address.<br />

It now remains, in closing this Introduction, to acknowledge the courtesy<br />

shown by several noblemen and gentlemen in contributing charters of nuicli<br />

interest for the present work. His Grace the Duke of Bueeleucli and<br />

Queensbcri-y, K.T., Tlie Eight Hon. the Earl of Home, Baron Douglas of<br />

Douglas, Tlie lliglit Hon. the Earl of Strathmore and Kingho] ii, and Sir<br />

lleginahl-Archibald Edward Cathcait, Baronet of Carleton, all liberally per-<br />

mitted charters of the Bruccs of Annar^dale both to be printed and litho-<br />

graphed for this work from their respective muniment rooms at Dnimlaui-ig,<br />

Douglas, Glamis, and Killochan.<br />

Edinucrgu, 32 Casile Street,<br />

'Bcccmlcr 1894.<br />

wiLLLLM fi;asei;.

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