Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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and soldiers iu good order and discipline, and to observe such orders as<br />

should be given liim from time to time by his superior officers.^ The earl<br />

promptly raised the troop of horse, as the payments made to the troop,<br />

commencing on Ist January, show. The troop consisted of himself as<br />

captain, Itobert, ]^Ia?ter of JIaxwell, afterwards fo\irth Earl of Nithsdalc,<br />

as lieutenant ; John, fourth Lord Lindores, cornet ; Sir James Johnstone of<br />

Westerhall, quartermaster ; "William Couper, described as servant to the Earl<br />

of Annandale, and also as clerk to his troop ; four corporals, two trumpeters,<br />

and seventy-five private soldiers, representing in all eighty-six officers and<br />

men. A book of disbursements to the troop, kept by William Couper,<br />

contains entries for payments to seventy-four officers and soldiers, most of<br />

which are authenticated by the signature of the person to whom the payment<br />

is made.-<br />

The Earl of Annandale appears to have met with difficulty in procuring<br />

money to pay his troop of horse. On 13th June 1CC7, he writes to Hew<br />

Sinclair, his chamberlain<br />

—<br />

" Being called to marche withe my troupe so ueirc to the Louthianis as I may<br />

be within a dayes marclie to Eddinburgh, 1 am resolved to be at Gallashiclls<br />

to-morrow, and cjuartter there till further order. ... I have also desyrcd some<br />

supply for the troup, being altogitlicr destitutte of nionnay. . . . The Lord kuowis<br />

what will become of ws, for if this warre contiuo\Y it is impossible we can sub-<br />

sist and keipe creditt.*<br />

A month later the earl again writes to his chamberlain from Newbie,<br />

13th July 16G7—<br />

" I told you iu rny lastt I had sentt some of my troupp to Galloway. This<br />

people were togitlier ar now in C and serines, robing and pillaging in the counttrey.<br />

Thay spoylle poore peoples houses, and frightts all the ministers, and that is all<br />

thay doe. I have scntt this beirrcr cxpresse withe ane accountte to the commis-<br />

' Vol. i. of this work, p. 94.<br />

2 Ori^ljinal account-book in Annandale C'harter-cliest.<br />

' Ori"inal letter in Annandale Charter-cLeiit,

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