Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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40 ANNAXDALE CnARTERR. [1579.<br />

43. Bond of Maxkent by James Ghaham of Gillisbio to John Johnstone<br />

of tliat Ilk. ITtli September 1-579.<br />

Be it kexp till all men be thir present vrittingi.% me. James Graliauie of Gillisbe, for<br />

my self and my men, tenncutis and seruanrtis^ forsamckle grantis ws to becurait in<br />

manretht to ane ryt honorable man, Joluine Johnnstoun of that Ilk, warden of the<br />

West Marcheis of <strong>Scotland</strong> foranent Yngland ; hoirfor be the tenBOur of thir presentis<br />

bindis and obleceis ws f;iithtfullie, coniunctlie and .seuerlie, lelilie and tveulic, to seme<br />

and obey him in aU maner of his actionis, cau.^sis, and quarrellis [likjas trew and<br />

faithtfull servandis aucht and suld do to thair maister, and contrarie all men to the<br />

vtermest of our poveris, the kingi.s grace and hi.s autorite allanerly execptit, be this our<br />

band subscriuit he mo, the said James, for my self, men, tennentis and seniandis, as<br />

follouis, at the Lochuod, the sevintein daye of September in the yeir of God anc tliou-<br />

saud fif hundreth tbre scoir and nyntein ycris, bofor thir vitnes, AVatter Scot of Touche-<br />

law, Andro Jonstoun in Marioribauk, Johnne Jonstoun in the Mylne, and Dauid<br />

Mayne, notar, with vthevis diuerse.<br />

James Geahame of GiUisbc, for myself, men, teueutis and scrvaudis, with my<br />

hand led be Dauid Mayne, notar, of my command, I culd nocht writ<br />

my self.<br />

44. CcMMissiox by King James the Sixth to John Johnstonk of that Ilk, as<br />

AVarden of the AVest Marches, and Justiciar within the bounds of Eskdale,<br />

Ewesdale, AVauchopedale, Annandale, Nithsdale and Galloway. 27th August<br />

1579.<br />

Jacobus Dei gratia rex Scotorum, omnibus probis horainibus suis ad quos piesentes<br />

litere peruenerint, salutem. Seiatis quia nos iutelligentes quod oilicium guardianatus<br />

occidentalium marchiarum regni nostri versus Angliam in manibi s nostris vacat et re-<br />

mauet, ac ad nostram dispositionem pertinet per dimissionem nostri consauguiuei, Joannis.<br />

doniini Hereis, vltimi guarJiani eiusdeni ; et audieutos quod nostri veri et fuleles subditi<br />

per fures, raptores et alios malcfactores grauiter oppvessi, spoliati et perturbati sint, sine<br />

quoruni puuitionesi remediura oportunum uou prouideatur maguc inconuenieutie desupcr<br />

sequentur ; pro quoruraquidera punitione fecimus, constituimus et orJiuauimus, ac<br />

tenore presentium facimus, constituimus et ordinamus delectum nostrura Joannem<br />

Jhonestoun de eodem no.5trum guardianum occidentalium merchiarum regui nostri<br />

versus Angliam, et infra omnes bondas eiusdem, videlicet, E.sdaill, Ewi.sdaill, Wauchop-<br />

daill, Ananderdaill, Isythisdaill et Galloway, tarn supra quam subtus Ore, prout etiam

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