Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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i'li INTKOl'UCTroX.<br />

Jand eaildoni tbal Ihc parchment on wliicli tlip. cliarter is cngrossi-d mcasmec<br />

in length live feet one incli, and in bveadlli four feet llirce inches, giving a<br />

surface of nearly twenty-tv.-o scjna^e foot. The ciuater contains two liundrcd<br />

and thirty-seven lines, and every line, taking an average, contains one linndred<br />

and three words, which gives a total of words in the charter of iiccaty-four<br />

thousand four hundred and eleven icords.<br />

VPl'El ; AXXAXI ) A LE.<br />

The. district of Upper Aunandale forms an i'nporfant and interesting part<br />

of Dumfriesshire. The hills and dales, which are characteristic features,<br />

give to this portion of the dale a diversified heanly, an.d even grandeur, whicli<br />

}ia\e not failed to attract the attention and to engage the pen Loth of the poet<br />

and of the romancer. Tlie district includes the ihree dales of Annan, Moffat,<br />

and Evan, so named after the three waters whose channels they respectively<br />

follow. Annandale traverses the central portion of Dumfriesshire from<br />

iioroh to south, while iloffatdale flanks it on tlie east, and Evandtde ou the<br />

west, tlie three dales in their course being almost parallel to eacli otJier.<br />

The lands of JlofTatdale and Evandale were long a Herries and Maxwell<br />

possession. King James the Second granted to David Heris of Trareglis and<br />

Margaret Crcichtonue, daughter of L'ohcrt Cieiclitoune of Sanquhar, kniglit,<br />

forty merklands in Avandale and four merklands in Hutton,- wjiicli John<br />

Heris, fatiier of tlie grantee, resigned in the hands of the king as tutor<br />

and governor ;o Ins son Alexander, Duke of Albany, Ear of Marcli, and<br />

Lord of Annaiidale.i It appears from this charter that John Herries was the<br />

first possessor of ]->,andale of the family of Herries. The king, in appointing<br />

Herboit Herries as curator to John Heriies, excepted from his charge a forty<br />

pound laud to be given to David the son.^ In HC4 he witnesses a charter<br />

as Sir David Heris uf Avaiidale.*<br />

J Dated iOtli .July 1459, ftegislcr of the Grent .Se.il, vol. ii. Xo. 'U.<br />

« 24tb J&uuary lJ5ij-

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