Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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Ewisdaill and Waucliopdaill, maid aud divisit by me lord iusticc and vtlmiiis being<br />

with him, be speciale coramissiomi aud charge of oure said souerane lord for haldiug of<br />

the said air, and \vitli consent and assent of Robert, Lord Maxvell, Williame, Lord<br />

Hcreis, and vthirris lordis, barronis and vthirris gcirtilmen, havand landis, rowmes<br />

and bailiieries within the saidis cuntreis of Aunanderdaill, Eskdaill, Ewisdaill aud<br />

Wauchopdaill, and qulia hes subscriuit thir prescntis with tliair handis.<br />

In the first, it is statute and ordauit be my said lord iustice and vthirris being<br />

with him for balding of the said air, aud with the consent and assent of Kobert, Lord<br />

Slaxveill, stewart of Anuanderdaill, greit wardane of the West Marchis foranentis lug-<br />

land, and als havand of oure souerane lord the rewle, cure and gydiug of Eskdaill,<br />

Ewisdaill and Wauchopdaill, WiUieame, Lord Herreis, and vthirris lordis, lardis,<br />

baronis and gentOmeu, that hes subscriuit heirefter thair names, for thame sclffis,<br />

thau- landis and rewuies aud baiUiercis, liand within the foirsaid cuntreis, as efter<br />

followis, that is to saye :—Forsamekle as oure said souerane lord of his speciale grace<br />

and fauouris hes grauttit and gevin full pardouu and remissioun to all the inhabitantis<br />

of the saidis cuntreis of Annandirdaill, EskdaiU, Emsdaill and Waucbopedaill, that ar<br />

cumin and gottiu thair componitouris for all cryme, transgrcssionis and offeusis, done<br />

aud committit be thame befoii- the begynning of this iiistaut air of Drumfrcis, befoirthe<br />

daittis of the saidis componitouris and remissionis, as in the sammeu mauer (sic) speciale<br />

is contenit : swa that all the saidis inhabitantis may perfitlie knaw and vuderstaud the<br />

last pietie, mercie and clemence, that oure said souerane lord beris towart thame, and<br />

that thai maye be his gratious trew licgis in all tymes curaing, aud Icif at his hieucs<br />

lawis and obeysance as vthairris trew liegis dois, aud nocht to commit in tyme cumiug<br />

ony enorme fait or offence as thai haue done in tymes bigane : And als all the saidis<br />

inhaliitautis being accusit in iugemcnt aud takaud thame to componitouris for ouvc said<br />

souerane lordis panloun aud rcmissiouu grauttit and gevin to thame and vsit be thame<br />

in tlie said air, at the iuterrogatiouu of my said lord iustice, planelie aud at lenth schewit<br />

and espouit be the iustice clerk, promittit be the exteutiouu aud vphaldiug of thair<br />

rj'cht handis to leif in all tyracs cumiug as oure souerane lordis tre v licgis, and to be<br />

obedient Ito his lawis, and neuir to commit ony cryme or ofi'enssis agauis his maiestie,<br />

his realme nor liegis, sic a.s tressoun, thift, resset of thifr, murthur, slauchter, reif,<br />

fyirraR[ing] and vthairis siclike enorme aud obhominable crymes : And geif [it hap]piu<br />

thame to commit ony siclike, thai to be realy pvnist thairfoir acco[rdiug] to thair<br />

demereti? and lawis of this realme. Quhairfoir the saidis lordis, lairdis, baronis, laudit<br />

men aud gentilmen, hes bunding and oblist thame and ilk ane of thame, for the eise,<br />

rest and trauquilitie of realme and of all our souerane lordis liegis, that gif ony man<br />

duelland or salhappin to d[uell] one thair landis, rowmes or baillicreis, quhairof thai<br />

bere cure, liappiunis to c[ommitJ in ony tymes to cum ony sic crymes, transgressionis,

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