Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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This tower or castle, wliidi ii six or seven miles distant from Mofl'at \>y tLc Duiiifrieri<br />

road, is by far tlie oldest habitation of the family.' Tradition assigns its ercetion to<br />

the fourteenth centur}-. But as charter evidence recently discovered shows that the -J olin-<br />

stones were designated of Johnstone so far back as the twelfth century, the original<br />

Tower of Johnstone may have been built in, if not even before, the thirteenth century.<br />

AVheu the lauds of Johnstone and others were erected by Queen Mary, with con-<br />

sent of the Regent Arrau, into a bakoxy to bo called the Bai'.oxy of Johxstoxe, in<br />

favour of John Johnstone of Johnstone in liferent, and James Johnstone, his son and<br />

apparent heir, in fee, in the year 1542, it was ordained that the tower and fortalicc of<br />

Johnstone should be the principal messuage of the barony. The name of Lochwood is<br />

not given to Johnstone Tower in the charter of the erection of the barony. Eut in<br />

the subsequent charter, granted by King Charles the Second in favour of James, first<br />

Earl of Aunandale and Hartfell, dated 23rd April 1C62, it was provided that one<br />

sasuie to be taken by the earl at the principal messuage, tower and fortalice of John-<br />

stone, othen\'ise called Lochwood, or at the tower and manor place of Kcwbie, sLould<br />

be sufficient to the earl for aU the lordships, baronies, etc., although they did not lie<br />

contiguous but in several sheriffdoms and jurisdictions, which were all thereby created<br />

a free barony, lordship and earldom, to be called then and in all time thereafter, the<br />


Lochwood Tower is situated near the northern boundary of the parish of John-<br />

stone, in a wood of oaks, and surrounded with deep bogs and marshes. In its<br />

proximity, about a mile away, is the river Annan. Its situation and environments are<br />

described in the two following stanzas :<br />

'•' 'Where placid Annan peaceful flows<br />

Arid laves its low-laid level vale,<br />

The Lochvrood's lofty towers arose,<br />

AVhere dwelt the lords of Aunandale.<br />

On Johnstone Moor, 'midst waving grass.<br />

The towering fortress frowned afar,<br />

Surrounded with a deep morass,<br />

A safe retreat in time of war." i<br />

The name given to the tower was one expressive of its situation. It was bounded<br />

on the west by a large loch, and on the cast by the oak wood already mentioned.<br />

» The Battle of Drjfe Sauds, 1S58, p. 11.

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