Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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6C ANXAXDALE CHAllTEES. [159G.<br />

ct quoiisque ecdeiii cx])re3se per uys iuhibitc I'oreiit dunituris. In cuius rei testiniouiuiii<br />

pveseiitibus magnum sigillutu nostrum apponi precepimus, apud Falkland, vitesimo<br />

octauo die nicnsis JuHj, anno domini millesimo quingentesimo nonagesimo sexto et<br />

regni nostri anno Ticcsimo nono.<br />

Per signatnram manibus supieiiii domiiii nostri regis ac domiiiorum commissiona-<br />

riorum subscript;un.<br />

CS. BoxD OF Assurance by Siii Jamks Douglas of Drumlanrig, and others, in favour<br />

of Sn: James Johnstonj; of Duuskellie, Ed-^vaed Irvi.ng_ of Bonsliaw, and<br />

others. 29th November 1597.<br />

Be it kexd till a\\ men be thir ]>rrsei)tis, -we, the persouis vnderwritlin, ilkaue of ws<br />

for oure selifis and takand the burding on ws for our kiu, freiudis, men, tennentis,<br />

servandis, assisters, depeuders and partakers, and all vtheris quliom we may stop or lett,<br />

videlicet, Schir James Douglas of Drumlangrig, knycht, Robert Dalzell, younger of tliat<br />

Ilk, Maister Eobert Criclitoun, younger of Careo, sheref-depnte of Driimfreis, "William<br />

C'reiehtoun of Librie, at command of our souerane lord to haue assurit, and bo the<br />

teuuour hcirof assuris Schir James Johnnstouu of Duuskcllie, knycht, Edward Irwiug<br />

of Boneschaw, William Irwiug of Kirkconnell, Irwing, his sone, Mongo Johnn-<br />

stouu of Locarbe, William Johnustoun, my sone, callit the constable, Cristie Carruthers<br />

of Dormond, Audro Johnnstouu of Locarbe, Andro Johnustoun, persoun of Tonnergarth,<br />

Marteue Johnnstouu of Myreheid, Thorn Johnnstouu of Finglen, Syraou Johnustoun,<br />

Thorns Sym of Fiuglen, Dand Johnnstouu of Brigmuir, Johnne Johnnstouu of Carter-<br />

toun, Johnne Johunstoun of Howgill, Johnne Johnnstouu of Kirkhil), Johnne Johnu-<br />

stoun in Staywod, Johnu Armstrang in Langholm, Cristie Armstrang in Barngleis,<br />

Eichard Irwing in Starkheuch, and ilknne of thame, thair kin, freindis, men, tennentis,<br />

seruamlis, assisters, dcpenders and partakers, to be vnhurt, vnharmit, vumolestit,<br />

tvoublit or ony wysc invadit or persewit, for quhatsumeuir cryme, cause or occasioun,<br />

vuto the first day of Jauuar in the yeir of God 1598 yeris : Promittand to<br />

obserue and caus thir presentis be obseruit and kejjit vuviolat iu ony point, vnder<br />

the pane of periurie, infame, and tiusale of perpctuall honour, ciedite and estima-<br />

tiouD, in time cuming. In witnes quhairof we haue sub[scryuit tliir] presentis with<br />

our Landes as foUowis, at Drumfreis, the xxix day of Xouember, the yeir of God<br />

jm yc fynrc score seviuteiu yeris, befor thir witnessis. Prouidiug tlmt the laird of<br />

Drumlangrigis partic aducrsaris abonu WTittiu gitf and subscriue the like assurance to<br />

the said laird of Drumlangrig and vtiierjs aboue writtin. vthern-vis this assurance to

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