Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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IXTRnDUcTlOX.<br />

Tlie remaiiiMig dale is tliat of Annan. This (evrilory coulirir.eil, as<br />

filivaily stati'il, in possession of tlic families of Brncc, lJandol])}i, jMarcli and<br />

Douglas, till the. year 1 fJO, when it lajised to tlie crown. Thoroafter the<br />

lordship of Annandalo was administered hy oflicers of the crown, imlil it<br />

was bestowed, along with llio earldom of Jdarcli, upon Alexander, sccoivl son<br />

of King James tlie Second, and afterwitrds Dulco. of All.iany, oii or before<br />

4th August 1-J.55, when the. gift to liini of the lord.ship of Annandalo is<br />

mentioned.^ Upon the subscqiient forfeiture of the Duke of Albany, the<br />

lordshi]) of Auiiandale and the castle of Lochmabcn were annexed to the<br />

crown, by act of parliament, and again administered b}' royal olTicials."<br />

Tlic office of steward of Annandalo was held under the crown l^y the<br />

family of Jfaxwell, in tlie same manner a? they h.ii,l previously held it under<br />

the Douglases.' They continued to hold it till it v.-as fafeiled '.villi the<br />

estates In' the attainder of Joim, ninlli Lord ilaxwell, in the year ICOS.<br />

After being some years in the hands of tlie crown, King James the Sixth<br />

conferred the lieritable office of steward of Annandalo upon John i^Iurray of<br />

Lochmabcn, afterwards raised to the peerage by the style of Earl of Aiinaii-<br />

dalc.* On the failure of his heirs the oflice of heritable steward of AnnanJale,<br />

along with tlie title of Earl, was conferred by King Charles the Second on<br />

James Johnstone, Earl of Annandale and llartfell.'' The covats of the<br />

stewartry v.'Cie held at Lochmabcn. For the same period the Johnstone<br />

chiefs were lords of the I'egality of Afoffiit, holding their regality courts at<br />

Jlijflat.''' On the pas.sing of the act of parliament for the abolition of heri-<br />

table jurisdiction.' in the year 1717, Gcorg.', tliird AlaiYjuis of Annandale,<br />

Was allowed £2200 for the stewartry of Annandale, and for the ix-gality of<br />

Moffat £S00, in all £.0000 sterling in full of his claim for £11,000.<br />

1 Acts of tlio l\'.rli.-iraciits of Sco'J.im', of Scotlaud, vol. iv. j.|i. CGi, GGii.<br />

voL ii. ji. 4.";. 5 23ril April Wi'M, Aiinaiiil.-»lo I'tcragi',<br />

- 1st October 14S7. H^hl. p. 179. -Minutci-; of KviJuuco, 1S4), ji;). IIGG, 1107.<br />

= Exolie juer Kolh, vol. xi. })[>. .'540*, 341*. " Aniiaiulale rccr.igo, Minutes of Jilvidenoe,<br />

* 4tli March 1G17, Acts of Hie rarli.iment^ 1S7G, p. 103.

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