Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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-. •" QrAP.KEL WITH JOJIN MAX^VK^-L, LOUD HERiaty, 15GG. liii<br />

ri"\ieeii's ckinoiicy anJ (lie wra'deu's intercession iLan because of Johnstone's<br />

own life and bygone deserts, lie was allowed, imtil the 1st,of January, to<br />

consult M-ith his friends, but he \\as told that if ho did not take steps to<br />

release himself and his sons from " tlie home " before the 1st of February, he<br />

M-as to "lake for na uther favour hot to be repute, haldin, and pcrsewit as a<br />

rebellious, wickit, and dissobedient persoun, and to be puneist thairfoir<br />

accordinglie." As already stated, his being at "the home," as it was<br />

technically called, %\as apparently o\\ing to his being in debt, and liable to<br />

diligence at the instance of some creditor. From this condition the council<br />

wished him to release hinsself, but either he failed to do as required oi' wislnj.l<br />

to evade the greater piinishmeiit threatejied, as he and one of his sons were<br />

inipj'isoned for debt, ajiparemly in Edinburgh. A few months latei-, however,<br />

on 17th July 1565, a special mandate was signed by the queen for his liboa-<br />

tioii, because his services were required on the West Marches. In obedience<br />

to this mandate, he was, by proclamation at the cross of Edinburgh, released<br />

from the process of horning against him, and the wand of peace delivered to<br />

I'obert Johnstone, his son, in his name.^ It is probable that the ho.^tile atti-<br />

tude of ilurray and some other nobles towards the queen's marriage may<br />

have led to Johnstone's release. He next ajjpears on the 21st September 1505,<br />

along with other gentlemen of his immediate neighbourhood, in a bond of<br />

allegiance to the king and queen. They also bind themselves to obey the<br />

J'^arl of r.othwell or any other warden, in resisting their ]\Iajestie!;' rebels or<br />

an invasion from England, to which country ilurray had appealed f(jr aid.-<br />

In the beginning of the following year, 15G6, Johnstone had a .serious<br />

dispute with the Master of ilaxwell, better known as Lord Herrics,<br />

then warden. The cause of quarrel i.s not clear, but it may have been<br />

e.vcited if not aggravated by the cruel conduct of [Maxwell to one of<br />

Johnstone's retainers, a noted thief, -ivlinm tlie warden liad captured, and<br />

^ Original klUrs .-airl iiiciiengcr's exe.nition, ITtli July 1505, in Aia.aiulale Cluistir-cliest.<br />

- licgi-stcr of I'rivy t'juncil, vol. i. ji. 37S.

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