Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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I'.ATXLE OF L\)CHMAB1:NSTAKE, 1448. xiii<br />

;!i:d several generations of Lis fainily, proved luiavailing. The House of<br />

Lords adjudged that the paternity of irailliew Johnstone had not been<br />

]>roved, and tliat Sir Frederic Johnstone had not made out his cLiim.^<br />

AVith this preliminary cxplauation as to 'th.e position claimed by the<br />

Joimstones of Westorhall for this Adam Johnstorie of Johnstone through his<br />

alleged son IMallbew, the ascertained facts of his history will iioav be related.<br />

Adam Johnstone is designated of Johnstone in a safe-conduct to him in<br />

1 413, as one of several hostages who went to England as securities for money<br />

due liy tlie Princess Margaret Stewart, Countess of Archibtld, fourth Earl<br />

uf Douglas. She borrov.-ed 500 merks from Sir John Piiilip, an English<br />

knight, and tiic Jiostages, Y^dio v.'ere all gcullemen in GRllov.'ay and Annan-<br />

d.ile, were to remain with him iu England until the monej' was paid.-<br />

Adam Johnstone was at this time a feudal subject of the great liousc of<br />

JJouglas, the Diike of Albany liaviiig conferred the lordship of Aunandale<br />

upon Archibald, fourtli Earl of Douglas, iu the year 1409. How long Adam<br />

Johnstone of Johnstone remained in England is not known; but, in<br />

December 1419, he was a witness at Lochniaben to a charter by tliis Eaii of<br />

Douglas of the lands of Grenaue in Kirkcudbright to Herbert Maxwell of<br />

t'arlaverock.' He is also named in 14-11 as a witness to a charter by Jolni<br />

Lockhart of Barr to his son Eobert, of llie lands of Earr and others in<br />

Ayi-sliire; and on the same day Adam Johnstone witnessed a charter by<br />

Alexander Lockhart of Lee to his son Alan, of tlie lands of Lee.*<br />

In tlie A.sloan MS. before referred to, it is stated, under date 23d<br />

October 1448, that " tlie lord of Johnstone was present at the battell of<br />

Lochmabenstane," along ',vith many of his countrymen against the attack<br />

by tlie Eugli.sh. An invading force of 6000 Englishmen led by young Percj'<br />

and others had entered <strong>Scotland</strong>. They crossed the Solway and encamped<br />

' Printed judgnieiit, 20th July 18S1. " The Boole of Carlavcroek, vol. ii. pp. 420,<br />

- S.ife-conthict, 3

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